The Yule Ball

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The next morning I wake to snow falling and the small oven crackling. The window above my side table is coated in frost from our breath, making the world outside look like a winter wonderland. Even though I miss dad, at that moment I am so happy to be at Hogwarts for Christmas. There's a small pile of presents at the foot of my bed, along with cards. I draw back my fourposter and find Hermione already awake.

"Happy Christmas," she says, tossing me a gift that is obviously a book.

"Merry Christmas," I say back, slipping on my shoes. "Yours is already there," I say, pointing at her pile.

"Where are you going?" She says, picking up my gift, which is also a book.

"Bathroom, I'll be back, don't wait."

The bathroom is even decorated, holly wrapping the top of the stalls. The small window in there is also covered in frost, the steam from someones shower fogging it up. The bathroom is empty, but I see girls on the stairs. We exchange 'merry' and 'happy' Christmases as I head back up.

"This is perfect!" Hermione says, brandishing my gift, The History of House Elf Enslavement, in the air. "I can use it for S.P.E.W!"

"That was the thought," I say, plopping down on my bed.

Dad's gift to me is a stack of muggle books, and a mini Christmas tree, an exact replica of the one he has, so we can be together, even apart, Ron gets me a box of my favourite treats from honey dukes, along with pies from his mom. Harry gets me the sequel to a book I'd finished earlier in the month, one I didn't think he noticed. Hermione gives me a book on the best female quidditch players in history. We put on some warm clothes and head down into the common room, where the boys are playing a game of wizards chess. We go to breakfast, which, just like everything else, is very festive. Fred and George send exploding snaps down the table every few seconds, which always seem to hit some drinks, showering everyone in tea and coffee. After a hearty breakfast, we all head into the grounds to violently throw snowballs at each other. At first, Hermione refuses, saying it'll mess up her hair, but I'm able to convince her by chucking one at her head. We use magic to create snowmen that will charge after anyone you command them to and make snowballs fly into passers-by.

Eventually, Hermione stops a throw with the wave of her hand, and exclaims "well, I should go start getting ready."

"What, you need three hours?" Ron says, cocking an eye at her and paying for his lapse in concentration when a large snowball, thrown by George, hits him hard on the side of the head.

"She's right, I should be going to," I call, putting my hand in the air for a cease-fire.

"Who're you going with?" he yells after Hermione, but she just waves and disappears up the stone steps into the castle, me jogging to catch up behind her.

Even with the help of magic, it takes the better part of three hours to get ready. Spent mostly in the bathroom with the other Gryffindor girls, excitement and giddiness filling the air. Girls I've barely talked with lend me their mascaras, it's the strongest sense of community I've ever felt. Hermione and I get dressed in our dorm, finally putting the whole outfit together. We both take a second to look in the mirror, admiring our hard work.

My dress fits even better than before, now with matching high heels and a silver handbag to go with. The slit up the side I hadn't noticed frames one of my freshly shaved legs, which sparkles with Madame Montgomery's Magical Long-lasting Lustre Powder, also liberally applied to my chest, giving Hermione and I an eerie glow. My hair is curled, red-brown waves falling just past my shoulders. I went with more natural makeup, the light brown shadow makes my hazel eyes pop, and a mix of highlight and contour emphasizes my cheekbones. The braid was a perfect choice for Hermione, soft curls framing her face.

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