Chapter 2 - Bargain

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"No way!" Liz gasps on the way back to the hotel. "So he just dies?!"

"No! I'm not done yet!" Scarlet whines as the boys stare weirdly.

"You are all so weird," Mark laughs.

"Shut it, she just ruined the entire thing!" The blonde grumbles and scrolls further. "I'm reading Fiction travel-"

"Read it," Elizabeth hums.

"How the- it's 69 chapters!" The boys snort at the childish joke. "Children," you roll your eyes before looking to Liz again. "Alternative? That one is good,"

"Oh, that one was a little steamy," Scarlet snickers. "I bet you enjoyed that one~"

"Well the themes and writing was good-"

"That's not the only thing~"

"Well there was the-"

"SMUT!" Liz bursts into laughter as your bury your head in your hands. "You read smut about-"

Leaping out your seat you clasp a hand over her mouth. "Let's change the subject! Anyone watch Supernatural?"

Liz muffled her shouts through your hand as you sat on her lap. "Let me go!" She screams.



"You guys are insufferable," the two women teases you all the way to the hotel as cryptic as possible. "Seb, please help me!"

"Likes daisies a pair we withstand the rain, blah blah blah something that rhymes with rain," Scarlet and Liz chime in unison.

"The fact you two remember that-"

"Oh my dear Y/n, let me show my love! A man such as I, so broken, doesn't deserve you!"

"Your beauty, intelligence, kindness, it clashes with brooding dark exterior!"

You dash to the elevators as the boys stare in confusion. Pressing the buttons quickly as humanly possible you see the others come in quick.

"Will you three tell us what is going on?"

"No!" The other two sang this whereas you shouted with a crimson blush.

"Shall I recite Shakespeare? The royal library holds all the deepest secrets of the palace, my darling Y/n,"

"Shakespeare? Royal library?" Evans looks to Robert. "Are they reading a fantasy book?"

"Oh it's definitely Y/n's fantasy,"

"Assault is a misdemeanor, assault is a misdemeanor, assault is-" you continuously repeated these words as the elevator reached the floor you all reside on.

"We are so lost, so would you like to clear things up?" Tom met your eyes causing more of a blush.

"Ok then-" before Scarlet or Liz could go on you drop to your knees.

"No, no, no, please don't tell them!" Crawling forward the two girls contemplate your pleads. "I'll do anything!"



"Bad choice of words, N/n," they pat your head before going separately to their rooms.

"What does that mean?!" You rush after, knocking on their doors for an answer. "Guys!"

"Women are confusing,"

"Try marrying one," Robert, Chris, Anthony and Mark mumble in unison.


"This is your bargain?"

"Yes," the scent of lavender swarmed through the dimly lit hotel spa.

"Fair enough, anything to keep your mouths shut," sending the bill to your hotel room, you follow the girls to their retreat.

Tension unknotted from each muscle, oil dripping against the skin slicking the skin for easy movement.

"So how long have you had a crush on him for?" You lift your heavy eyes to Scarlet.

"The question is if she has a crush on him or Loki," Liz groans out after a push against her sore back.

"For your information I like Tom better than Loki,"

"She admits it!" Scarlet gasps. "So how long?"

"Since Thor," a more genuine gasp leaves them.

"That's nearly ten years, Y/n!"

"Ok, first off, it was a celebrity crush until I jumped onto this chaotic bandwagon,"

Liz awed. "Then you really fell for him,"

"I'm not in love, I just think he's cute," they roll their eyes as a sigh escapes you. "But it's not like he'd like me back, so let's just leave it,"

"Whatever," you miss the shared grin of mischief the girls shot each other as you moved your head back into the cushion.


"How was the spa, ladies?" Robert bites into his burger beside Jeremy and Chris.

"Pretty good, anything to keep these guys quiet," letting out a yawn, you sit down.

"So want to tell us what yesterday was about?" Jeremy hopes, knowing his curiosity had bugged him all night.

"We had a deal, so no can do, Jer bear," you steal a fry from Robert who scowls.

"Well, we have some time before we need to head over," Robert hoards his plate away from your prying hands.

Giving a mocking pout you stand up and catch up with the girl's.


"Do you think I'll fool them?"

"No doubt," Scarlet snickers as you fit on your costume glasses. You were dressed as Abigail Brand, the character you portrayed in the MCU. Green hair fell over your shoulders, as the last touches were applied by a brilliant make up artist who you've been side by side with since day 1, Vivian Stella.

"All done, love," Vivian flicked off a piece of dust off your shoulder.

"This will be so good!"



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- Anna ❤️

He's just a flirt!: Tom Hiddleston x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now