Chapter 2

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After we were finished cooking we sat at the table and ate. Amara was in a rush to eat because she was excited. "Your gonna chock go slow" I said looking at her. "But mommy" "No buts she said go slow" Tony said taking a bit of his pancakes. She frowned and went slower. "Thank you" I said, once we finished I told Amara to go wash her hands and we could start. She ran back to the hallway and into the bathroom. I grabbed the dishes off the table and washed them in the sink. When she came back I went and sat on the couch. Ondre went and got her gifts and I got up and sat on Tony's lap as he sat down. When ondre came walking in Amara ran to him in amazement. "All this for me!! " She said jumping up and down. "Hold on go sit" He said walking towards us. "What are you two doing" Ondre asked us with a smirk. "Just watching" I replied back. "Mmmmh I bet you are" He said placing the gifts down. She grabbed one and started opening it. When she opened it she gasped. "It's the doll I wanted" We smiled at her and she opened the rest. When she was on her last gift I felt something poking me. Tony moved me a little to reposition himself. Ondre looked at tony and laughed. "It's not funny" He said putting his head in the back of my neck. "Yes it is" Ondre said back. I just laughed and watched Amara. When she finished we took her stuff up to the playroom and she played with all her new toys. "I'm going down stairs to help daddy and uncle Tony with cleaning up. Yell for me if you need anything" She nodded her head in response and I cracked the door. I went down stairs and Tony had a pillow over his crotch. He was wearing sweatpants.... "Baby you okay" I said giggling a little. "Keep laughing and see what happens" I went silent and walked to ondre. "Bad mood much" I said and laughed a little more. "What did I just say" He said standing up. I looked down and bit my lip.

A/n hehe Tony mad...... So yea she doesn't know we are married to Tony as well😌

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