my soulmate is jealous of my boyfriend

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The night air was chilly and I left my jacket at home so all I could do was walk home and pray that I don't freeze. As I made my way home I couldn't stop but think about my boyfriend who had gone through so much trouble in throwing me a party...He was so wonderful and sweet. I love him so dearly but I couldnt help but notice that there was always something missing between us .....I mean yes, he was a awesome cook and he always did things for me even when I asked him not to, but it just seemed like ...i dont know, just like he was more of a brother or best friend rather than a boyfriend.When I finally realized I was on my street I shook off the feeling of loneliness and made my way to my front porch where stood the one and only, my parents.

The second I reached them I was suddently going through a storm of questions that needed to be answered like"where have you been, you said you would be home 3 hours ago, and where in the world is your sweater" I swear I could of just ran by them at that moment considering I was in no mood to talk right now..but, I thought about it and decided to sit through the torture. After what seemed like hours of complaining.I was headed for my room so I could finally get some sleep. As I was sleeping I dreamt of a boy with beautiful green eyes,black long hair and a fair amount of muscles holding me as if I were his if we were long lost soulmates who finally came together...the last thing I can remember is his smile and how his eyes lingered on me with such love and passion and at last he whispered a quiet I love you.

At around 2:00 A.M. my cell phone started ringing. When I answered, it was my friend Jackie going through her daily complaints and all I could do was listen...after her 30th complaint on how life was unfair I started slowly opening and closing my eyes signaling it was time for me to go to back to sleep. I stopped Jackie in the middle of her complaints and told her I had to go. She cheerfully said ok but there was a tiny hint of sadness in her voice.

When I woke up the next morning I didn't feel up to going to school but then I remembered the boy in my dream which made me think; was it actually a dream,was he actually real,and did he actually talk to me?... It took me awhile to lug myself out of bed but when I did I make a quick run from my warm bed to my warm shower quickly getting clean. I then put some eyeliner on my eyes and some mascara but not too much. After the 20 minute drive to my school I park my car in one of the closest lots I could get to the school. I quickly grabbed my books and head to trig, the class I hated the most.....until Bryan got there of course.

I sat in class thinking and thinking about my dream. Why am I so stressed on this dream..Just breathe I have a boyfriend who loves me to death and thats all thats to it. The bell finally rang after what seemed like hours of daydreaming. I ran down the hallway to my next class only to trip on the janitors cart and fall face first onto the ground. It was so humiliating ,hearing evrybody around you laughing as if there was no tomorrow ,practically on the floor rolling over in histerics. After what seemed like a decade of just laying there in my humiliation an angelic voice asked me if I needed help getting up ..That voice seemed so familiar and then it hit me, it was him !

The next day I woke up to my alarm playing hold it against me by Britney Spears and grudgily got up to get ready for school. I pulled on my favorite skinny jeans and my old worn out t-shirt,grabbed my backpack, grabbing a quick poptart and headed out the door to happily see my Buggy waiting for me in the driveway.By the time I started the engine and got the car heated up I only had 30 minutes to get to school so i did what any other girl would have done. I reversed down the driveway, punched the gas pedal as hard as I could and started my way to school. When I got there I only had about 5 minutes left until the bell rang so I grabbed my backpack and started jogging toward my 1st period class....trig ..... I hated trigonometry of all classes mainly because Kim was there ,Kim is the head cheerleader who thinks shes all that because her dad is rich and she dose'nt have to move a precious little finger when daddys around.

As I sat in my seat I caught her giving me the evil eye from across the room, and entirely ignored her hoping she'd just look away, but sadly she didnt. Well not until my boyfriend came in, The second I saw him I yelled "Bryan!!!" and ran into his arms. A couple of minutes later the teacher walked in followed by a new kid who I couldnt see very well since he wasnt exactly facing me but from the sounds of the girls around me I could tell he was hot not that I cared. When the teacher finally reached the front of the classroom he started introducing the new kid. "Class this is Leo, he just moved here from New York" and then I looked up only to see the shocking view of the perfect boy,he had amazing green eyes, longish black hair,and muscled just right.I sat there in awe just staring at him unable to tear my gaze away and then I realized he was staring at me as well and just like that I was caught.

When the bell finally rang signalling for us to leave I grabbed my bag and started for the door when all of a sudden a hand grabbed my arm,thinking it was Bryan I turned around, amazed to find the new kid Leo looking at me....he finally spoke up and said"do you know where I can find my next class, I have english." I silently looked him over then realized he had asked me a question which I answered "umm.. ya I have english next I'll walk you there."

As I stepped out the door I saw Bryan leaning against the door waiting for me with a huge smile but all that faded the second he saw me walking out with Leo. When I finally reached him he put an arm around my waist and quietly asked me what I was doing with the new kid ,and I calmly replied "I'm taking him to english class,he's new babe and I'll feel bad if I don't help please just go along with it" he breathed as if he wasn't going to fall for it but finally nodded and walked away to his next class.

When Leo and I walked into class the bell had barely rung which made the whole class go quiet, the only sounds were me and Leos footsteps walking to our desks.When the teacher finally started the lesson I noticed a couple of girls in the corner whispering and looking at me and I had no idea why, When I turned to my right I finally noticed what they were looking at.

Leo was staring at me so intently that it made me want to melt right there, I quickly looked away and tried to ignore him but I could still feel his gaze on me. After the most awkward45 minutes of my life the bell finally rang I grabbed my bag and left without a second glance at him.

As I walked into my 3rd period class I felt a sudden calmness wash over me,which could only mean I was safe from the viewing eyes of Leo and my boyfriend. The teacher walked in about 5 minutes later looking as tense and unfocused as always, I started to doze off after the bell rang and think about his lips looked so soft and welcoming....his eyes so illuminating...and his body, how I wanted him to hold me against it sooo badly...SNAP OUT OF IT MIA!!!!!!! I thought to myself and slowly put my focus back onto what the teacher was saying.

Inside the lunchroom I kept looking for something but I wasnt sure what I was looking for specifically.I sat down at my usual table and started picking at my pizza and some green stuff that did not look thing I know my boyfriend is sitting next to me with his hand around my waist tenderly pulling me against him.

I smiled at him and turn my gaze back to my food when suddenly I get this feeling that somebody is staring at me and turn around to find Leo looking at me from across the room lovingly.. Bryan follows my gaze and realizes what I'm looking at; which makes him stand up and start walking toward Leo in an angry rampage.

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