Chapter 6 Going home/ how your dad died

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Y/n pov 

I woke up cuddled up with Dream and Nightmare. They were such cute brothers! Oh shit.i didn't tell my mom i was staying away another night.

I wrote a quick note for Dream and Nightmare telling them i had to go home then left. When i got home mom was crying.

"OMG Y/N" She ran up to me and hugged me very tight. "Y/n i swear you need to stop scaring me"! she yelled. 

"Im sorry"I said hugging her back. " You also missed two days of school what happened"!!! she yelled at me "i thought you were dead and that's the last thing in need".

She sighed "Please Y/n i dont need you dead like your father". I started crying when she said that.

I missed my father so much. I still have the necklace he gave me. I don't wear it tho because i don't want it to get lost.


It was a bright day in spring.Me and my dad went for a walk. "Daddy look the guardian tree"!! I said very excited.

"Do you want to go see it Y/n"? Dad asked while playing with my hair. "Yes i want to go"!! i yelled running off to the tree. 

"Y/n wait for me" dad said running after me. I wasn't watching where i was going and i ran right by a new building they were making.

They dropped some bricks and daddy shoved me out of the way and...........

(End of flashback)

I went up to my room and put on my necklace i looked at it. It had a big spot where a gem should be but i thought it looked good how it was.

 i wanted to go back and see dream, so went back downstairs. "mom do you trust me"I asked.

"yes hunny i do".

" Can i go out please"?

"..... Be careful please.

"I will " i said walking out the door. I ran back to the tree when i saw a whole bunch of people crowding NIghtmare...who was holding a bad apple.

"NIGHTMARE"!!!! i screamed trying to get his attention. Then i saw Dream. "Dream whats happening"i asked catching my breath.

"I dont know"!Dream said. I could hear the worry in his voice.Then something terrible happened.

                                                  Nightmare bit the apple.

hi guys i know i said this chapter would be longer but i ment the chapter after this sorry umm MEME TIME

hi guys i know i said this chapter would be longer but i ment the chapter after this sorry umm MEME TIME

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