Chapter 1.

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A/N: I know a lot of things you are about to read are incorrect in the Inazuma Eleven timeline, but it's a fanfiction so get over it.

I do not own Inazuma Eleven.

In case you didn't read the description, I will be using the english dub names.

Also I speak british english, not american english so I apologise if you read words that you don't understand or are spelt differently to american words.

Enough rambling, now onto the story...

It was about a week after Inazuma Japan had won the FFI world tournament. All of Inazuma Japan's members started attending Raimon Junior High, the school where it all started. The football club had become so popular it now had multiple teams, with its lead team obviously being the members of Inazuma Japan.

Mark was jogging to the riverbank pitch where his team were all practising.

Mark: Hey, guys!

Mark waved to his teammates and they all stopped to greet him.

Mark: So, what are we doing today Jude?

Jude: We've all been improving our shooting, and Darren was trying to stop us scoring.

Mark: That sounds great.

Mark ran to the other net.

Mark: Show me what you've got, guys!

Axel: You've got it, Mark!

Axel then kicked the ball in the air and used Fireball Screw.

Axel: Fireball Screw!

Mark: Here we go. God Hand!

Mark tried to stop the shot, but his hissatsu wasn't strong enough and the ball passed through.

Mark: Wow, that was great, Axel! Good job!

Axel gave a thumbs up and went to take another shot.

The Inazuma Japan managers watched from the sides.

Silvia: The team are really into it today, aren't they?

Celia: Yeah, it's really good to see them like this.

Cammy: Mark's really good at boosting the team's morale.

Nelly: Well, that's what he's always been good at. But Axel-

Nelly paused and watched Inazuma Japan's strongest forward kick the ball as hard as he could. She didn't know why, but ever since she met Axel she had some sort of feeling whenever she was around him.

Silvia: Nelly? Nelly!

Nelly: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry I was just daydreaming.

Then they saw the others taking shots at Darren.

Kevin: Dragon Slayer!

Darren: I can do this! Fiend Hand!

Darren was about to unleash his most powerful move when he heard Celia shout.

Celia: Go on, Darren!

The majin faded, allowing Kevin's shot to easily pass.

Kevin: What's wrong, Darren? You don't seem to be concentrating today.

Darren: Oh, sorry Kevin. I'll try harder next time.

Darren reminded himself to focus. But he couldn't stop thinking about the girl of his dreams. Celia Hills. Darren had always had a crush on Celia since the moment they met. She had always been supportive, and never hesitated to give compliments. She was also the one who helped him to learn the Fiend Hand. He would have confessed his feelings to her except for two things:

1: Rejection. He was too afraid Celia might not feel the same back.
2: Jude. A force not to be reckoned with.

Meanwhile, unknown to him, Celia was watching him, feeling the same way back. She had admired the boy since the time they met, because she thought he looked cute. And he was a polite guy. She wanted to confess, but was scared of what Jude might say. He was her older brother after all. And a strict one, might I add.

Mark: God Catch!

Silvia watched Mark, her childhood friend, finally catch Axel's Fireball Screw. She had always seem him as a friend or at times something closer. But she had started to have feelings for him when they set up the football club, and has had a crush on him ever since. She just liked the way he was always smiling, and was open and friendly to all. He was the boy she wanted to spend her future with. She may have had a crush on Erik at one point, but now she saw him as more of an older brother.

Hurley: Take it, Jordan!

Hurley passed the ball to Jordan, and the green-haired boy took a shot.

Jordan: Astro Break!

Mark: Fist of Justice!

Mark managed to punch away the ball. Xavier put a reassuring hand on Jordan's shoulder.

Xavier: Don't worry, you'll get it next time.

Jordan looked at the reassuring smile of the red-haired boy, then blushed and looked away, embarassed. This confused Xavier, but he shrugged it off.

Later, as the sun started to set, practice was over, and everyone took a break and decided to go their separate ways for the day. Celia was about to leave, believing she was the last one, when she noticed Darren sitting at the edge of the river with his knees brought to his chest, looking into the water. She took a deep breath and approached the boy.

Celia: Darren.

Darren, startled, almost fell into the water.

Darren: Oh, I didn't see you there. You gave me quite a scare.

Celia laughed and sat down beside her friend. They both sat in silence for a bit. Darren looked at the blue-haired girl and thought to himself.

Darren: (thoughts) Celia looks so beautiful in the sunset light. In fact, she always look beautiful.

Darren blushed and looked away. Celia looked at him.

Celia: (thoughts) I just wish I could tell Darren how I feel about him, but what will Jude say? And what would he do to Darren?

Darren: (thoughts) What if she doesn't like me back? I don't want to risk hearing that. Come on, Darren. Focus. What would Mark do? Maybe I should just spit it out.

Darren decided to stand up to the situation.

Darren: Celia, I-

Celia looked at Darren as he tried to find the right words to say.

Darren: -I-I think-you're-pretty.

Celia blushed and smiled, sheepishly looking down.

Celia: You think so? look kinda cute.

Darren never thought he'd hear her say those words to him.

Darren: You-you do?

Celia: I always have done, ever since we met.

Darren: Same here. I've always liked you, Celia.

This surprised the girl, as she never thought Darren felt this way.

Celia: Really? Well...I...I like you back, Darren!

Darren: You do?

Celia: Of course I do. You're sweet, and kind, and funny. What girl wouldn't like you?

Darren laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

Darren: Wow, I...I never knew you felt like this. Do you wanna...go out?

Celia stopped and sadly looked down into the water once more.

Celia: We-we can't. Jude wouldn't approve of us going out together.

Darren: Oh. Right.

Darren sadly looked at his feet.

The two friends just sat there for 10 minutes. Then Celia rested her head on Darren's shoulder, making the boy smile.

A/N: That's the end of the first chapter. Do you like it? Make sure to read the next chapter.

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