-chapter 3-

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-ash pov-
I woke up from a nightmare that I've had for awhile, I looked at the clock it was around 2-3am
I remembered that I hadn't taken my insomnia medication before I went to sleep, I couldn't have taken it now cause it wouldn't have worked, I got up and started climbing down the ladder, still feeling tired I started to doze off again,
-trash narrator/sasha-
As he went down the ladder he lost a his grip and fell.
-with Prof. Burnett and kukui-
Pb:hey kukui?"

They said very exhausted,
Pb:what is that noise?"

K:I'm not sure let's check it out"

Professor Burnett and kukui then went out of the basement and saw ash on the floor rubbing his knee,

K:ash what happened?!"

A:oh, I forgot to take my medication. Then I decided to just stay up, right after I went halfway down the ladder I started to doze off then I lost my grip and fell"

B:wait you take medication?"

A:yeah it's for my insomnia I forgot to take it before I went to bed"

K:how about me and Burnett give you your medication so you won't forget to?"


Pb:also let's get you bandaged"

-a bit later after healing ash-

Pb:that should be it, ash how does it feel?"

A:it doesn't hurt anymore"

K:also about your parents"

A:okay, I'll answer any questions"

K:what was your father like?"

A:a-abusive.. He didn't care about me or my mother. I'd show up to school with cuts glass bruises, and let's just say things happened in my room at my original home that were very uncomfortable for me to say... I-im not going to say what happened"

Pb:okay how about your mother?"

A:acted like she didn't most of the time but whenever we were alone she'd talk with me do anything with me. She was very nice and loved me a lot. So it was very hard to let go of eachother"

Pb:that's so sad ash!"

A:I know my childhood is pretty messed up"

K:yeah but at least you have your friends and mother"


Pb:can I bandage your wrist?"


-after a bit of bandaging Ash's wrists btw already 5am-

K:I should get ready, you too ash your attending school again"

A:okay professor kukui!"

-after they got ready-

K:I got to get going bye!"

A:I'm going too, bye professor burnett!"

Pb:bye ash bye dear!"

-once they got to the school they were late-

K:hurry ash!"



A:hey guys!"

(Lycanroc torracat Pikachu an  riolu are in their balls btw to my au)

S:wait ash!?"

K:how has it been?"


Torracat lycanroc Pikachu and riolu broke out of their poke balls.

A:really guys"

To:torra tor tor cat"

Ly:lycanroc lycan lycan"

Pi:pi pi pika pikachu!"

Ri: ri ri olu riolu"

(I had no Idea what the translation could've been I had no idea what would they talk about)

Ma:what Pokemon is that?"

A:oh you mean riolu?"


Then Pikachu proceeded to play with the pokemon,

(Sorry for the short chapter! I'm out at the moment.. I'll be posting this when I have WiFi.

-jay out!

Word count:522.

pokemon sun & moon gladion x ashWhere stories live. Discover now