Part 1

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A/N, do i have to ask people for permission to use their pictures on a story or can i just get it off google? This is a picture of the outfit Arizona is wearing!

The heroics were watching TV when suddenly the news came on:

A 14/15 year old girl causing trouble at this supermarket, some people say she might.........the newsreporter got cutt of by a water ball hitting his face. The camera zoomed in at the girl she had blue eyes and a waterball was floating above her hand. The heroics looked at eachother and Marcus spoke up.

M:"That girl has powers and she obviously doesnt know how to use them someone has to go get her before things get out of control."

Everyone agreed and Lava Girl went to get her. When she arrived the newsreporter was gone. She went looking for the girl, she found her behind a tree.

"Hey im Lava girl, whats your name?"
"I wont hurt you, I want to help", Lava girl said "The name is Arizona", The girl answered with hesistation LG: "Thats a beatiful name, Where are your parents?" "I dont have parents", Arizona said without emotion

The truth is she really doesnt have parents she was found in the woods by an old man he raised her and then he died. She has always had a bracelet on her wrist, she was found with it, she has never taken it off, Thats the only thing she had left from her real family.

"Oh im sorry", Lava Girl said Arizona nods.

LG: "Im gonna take you with me to the Heroic Headquarters" A: "What is that exactly"
LG: "A place for people with powers like you, And me."

So that lava girl had powers okey then, but why would i trust her she is a stranger am i really gonna go with a stranger, i guess i have no choice since i have no where else to go.

A:"Okey then im going with you."

Lava girl nods and they walk to the heroic headquarters.

When they arrive Lava girl takes out a key and opens the door.

Arizona's pov:

We arrive at a building with a big logo on the front, I guess she wasnt lying about there being a heroic headquarter. she took out a key that looked like a trident and opened the door. When we entered the building i saw a man with an shark costume or something on.

LG: "Look I gotta do something so Sharkboy is gonna take you to the classroom of the kids with powers."

A: "I assume sharkboy is wearing a shark costume."

LG: "yup"

Arizona went up to sharkboy an he took her to a clasroom.

A: "Why is there a lock on the door"

SB: "For emergency's"

okey, the girl answered, she is slowly starting to regret coming here.

SharkBoy opens the door and it reveals some tables and a lot of kids.

SB: "There you go"

Sharkboy leaves, and the door closes.

No one seemed to notice Arizona until the door is closed. All heads turn her way.

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