First steps

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Dean: You were sitting at the foot of the bed on the floor he was at the table Sam was on the couch and Cas was sitting by you. You looked up at Cas and hit his leg. He looks down at you and tilts his head.
''Dean why does (Y/n) keep hitting my leg?''
He looks over to you and you smile.
''I don't know.''
He looks back over to his research you put both your hands on his knee and stand up.
''Dean look!''
Both Sam and Dean look over and Dean gets up and walks over to you.
''Come here (Y/n)!''
You look over to Dean and try to walk. You try to take a step and fall into Cas, he helps you back up and you take a step towards Dean. You take one after the other and fall into Dean.
''Good job baby!''
He picks you up and kisses your head.

Sam: They were doing research at Bobby's and you sat in the living room with Bobby. Your sitting on the floor while Bobby watches you.
''You don't do much.''
You turn to him and smile and he laughs. You stand up then fall back down again, you stand up again and mange to stay on your feet.
''Sam your going to want to see this.''
Sam and Dean come in to see whats going on. You look up at Sam and start to walk to him,he bends down and picks you up when you come to him.
''Baby you walked!''
You smile and nod, he laughs along with Dean and Bobby.

Castiel: Cas was sitting across from you trying to make you walk to him.
''Come here (Y/n).''
You look at him and tilt your head. Dean walks in at looks at you.
''I swear she is like a mini you.''
Now Cas looked at Dean and tilts his head and he breaks out laughing. He turns back to and your looking at the floor.
''Come here walk to me.''
You look at him again and laugh. He sighs and turns to Dean.
''Why isn't she walking?''
''I don't know maybe she doesn't want to yet.''
Dean goes and sits by you and you hit his leg.
''Whoa take it easy.''
You look back at Cas and stand up.
''That's right come here.''
You walk forward and fall, Dean picks you up and you start to walk again. You walk over to him and he hugs you.
''Good job angel.''

Crowley: He was sitting on his throne and you were sitting a his feet playing with his pants. He would look down sometimes and smile, that's right the king of hell smiled. You stood up on your feet and leaned on his legs for support. You let go and walked forward and fell on your butt. You turned around and walked over to him and stumbled into his legs. He leans down and picks you up.
''Well princess looks like you are going to start raising some hell of your own.''
You smile and hit his chest he laughs and kisses your cheek.
''My little princess.''

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