"No! We can't leave you here! You'll die!"

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(The title of that video is literally "running away with your lover that you were told to stay away from while it rains" and that is what happens in this chapter its perfect)

"You ready to go?" 

Katydid took one last breath in, sliding on her coat and picking up her daughter and turning to Malachite.

"Ready as i'll ever be"

Malachite gave Katydid a sweet smile as they sneaked through the base, not daring to make a sound. Wasp would kill them if she knew they were trying to escape, there was one rule that was set in stone the moment you joined.

Once you join, there's no going back.

At first, Katydid was fine with this rule, she didn't want to go back, her parents forbid her from loving the one who she had fallen for. That's why she scampered away with him in the first place, but when Cricket was born Katydid realized, she didn't want this for her child. Cricket didn't deserve to live in this place, and so, when Cricket was old enough to learn to stay quiet. They left.

The gray building was a abandoned prison, small concrete jail cells towered the walls as Katydid and Malachite slowly walked down the hallways, checking around every corner to make sure no one was there.

They finally arrived at the exit, Katydid fumbled through a ring of keys before unlocking the door with a small creak. They were just about to run out when..


Wasp's voice filled the prison, Katydid froze and looked at Malachite, Malachite thought for a second.

I can't let them get Katydid and Cricket, I can't. 

Malachite squeezed Katydid and Cricket into a tight hug before shoving them out the door and slamming it shut.
"MALACHITE-" Katydid's scream was muffled through the thick metal door, "We can't leave you! You'll die!"
"I would die for you Katydid." Malachite said, then he was grabbed by a few other members and was dragged away.

That left Katydid, she bolted over to her car and hopped in, she buckled in Cricket and zoomed down the street, tears streaming down her face.

(Sorry this is so short, i don't really have any energy right now-)
(But i hope you like it, stay safe and healthy, Bye!)

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