Chapter 5

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Dear Fred,

I've discovered a new hobby. If I tell you what it is do you promise not to laugh? Okay, I've taken up bird watching. Stop! I told you not to laugh! Yes, I know it's something nans and granddads do, but I've found it's really interesting and calming. Australia has a lot of beautiful birds. I got a bird feeder to put in the back garden so Crooks and I can sit and watch them through the back patio door. Though, Crooks is a bit put out that I won't let him out to play with all the new feathery friends. Every now and then he'll look back at me with the most pitiful look on his smooshed face.

I got a letter from Harry yesterday saying that Ginny was moving in with him. How is your mum handling that? I can't imagine she's too pleased about it. Is she holding her tongue or kicking up a fuss. I hope if it's the latter then it's not too much of a fuss because those two deserve some happiness. And it's not like she won't still have Ron there to dote on. She'll probably have to kick him out to get rid of him.

The holidays are coming up and I'm unsure if I'm going to decorate or not. My aunt sent some of our Christmas stuff but it feels wrong to put up family heirlooms with no family to enjoy them with. Christina invited me to spend Christmas day with her and her family. I told her I'd be there and I'm going to make myself go so that I don't feel like a complete Scrooge. I really wish there was a reason to hang my own mistletoe though.

All my love,


"She doesn't think I've read her letters," Fred said when George entered the shop.

"Who doesn't what now?" George asked, shrugging on his shop robes.

"Hermione. We were talking last night and I don't think she realizes that I've actually been reading the letters she wrote to me."

"What gives you that idea?"

Fred filled his twin in on the events of the previous night as they got the shop ready for the day. As he was restocking the snack boxes, there was a knock on the door. He looked up and found Mickey hopping from foot to foot, rubbing his hands together, as snow flurries swirled around him. When he opened the door, he caught a glimpse of Hermione's assistant, Nico, picking up the gift he had left.

Mickey stomped his feet on the front mat and brushed the flakes from his hair. "I heard this morning that this is only a preview of what we'll get tomorrow night," he said, glancing out as Fred shut the door.

"Hey there, Mick. How's it going?" George called.

"Good, mate, good. Last day of classes and then we break for the hols. How're you guys?" Mickey replied, following Fred to the counter.

"Busy as always. Where're you two off out to?"

"Back to the library," Fred said, pulling on his coat and scarf. "Won't be long. I know exactly what I need. I just need Mickey's credit card because it's not something I can go pay cash for."

"What's a credit card?" George asked, shooting Fred a bemused look.

"It's this little plastic card that works like a mobile bank." Fred looked at Mickey for affirmation on his explanation. Mickey shrugged his shoulders and nodded. "I'll have him explain it better when I get back."

He and Mickey started for the door when Fred suddenly stopped and clapped Mickey on the shoulder. "Give me a mo, mate. I need to dash up and get something from the flat."

Fred dashed back through the employee's only part and up the steps to his flat. In his bedroom, he pulled a box from under his bed and flipped through the stack of Hermione's letters. He knew exactly which one he was looking for. He had read it several times. Tucking it in his pocket, he ran back down and said goodbye to George.

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