chapter 1

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my mom amy met her best friend meredith on their first day of college and have been best friends ever sense. they got married in the same year and decided to have kids around the same age so they could grow up and be best friends just like they were. and that's exactly what happened. we all live in bedford new york and live about 9 houses away from the zegras family.

my family and the zegras share a beach house in the hampton's. it's were we all grew up and made the best memories. i can't wait to go back soon.

trevor and i have been attached to the hip the moment we were born. trevors birthday is a week before mine so we always celebrated together.

now i am 17 and i just finished my junior year of high school and thank god for it. i haven't talked to trevor in about a year and a half because he left for the ndtp. he never came home for the holidays because he can't apparently and his mom tells me how he apparently has a thing with a girl now. yea that lowkey hurt my heart but he can never know. ya we snap sometimes and text but i haven't seen him and i miss him so much. now, he just finished his first season and he's coming back home. dear god i hope things won't be awkward.

sorry this is a crappy first chapter:( it's my first ever book so bear with me!! i promise it'll get better as i go!! thanks loves!🦋

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