Nishinoya Yū- Worth More than Words

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"Yuu stop moving," I say, aiming my camera at him.

"But everything looks so cool!" he exclaims.

I chuckle at his enthusiasm. "You're right, fine. Just give me a big smile then, okay?"

Nishinoya beams a bright smile towards the camera as his frame stands behind a fence overlooking a vast field layered with vibrant flowers.

I snap the photo, and peer at each of them before joining Noya's side.

He turns to me, the same big smile plastering on his face. A warmth surges in my chest as I return a tender gaze.

We turn away from the field of flowers and walk along a path that leads to a garden of lilacs.

"Hey (Y/N)," Noya calls.

"What is it, Yuu?" I hum.

"Why do you like taking photos so much?"

I chuckle, "Well, you know how a photo is worth a thousand words?"

He pauses, then takes out his phone, "It's a story being told through a single picture, right?"

"Yes, that's right," I chuckle. "When I take a photo, I find it meaningful to create a whole story with just that one click. It makes a beautiful photo seem so effortless to others, yet carries a powerful message that sticks with them."

Noya nods in amazement, seeming to understand what I'm talking about. I finally turn my attention to the lilacs around us, and I tug Noya's hand.

"Anyways," I start, motioning to my camera in my hand, "time to create more stories!"

After my day with Noya ends, we wake up the next morning to return back to another relentless week of school. The days turn longer, and I find myself piled under mountains of homework. What adds to the pot of stress is the artist's block I can't overcome. I'm unable to tell a story that satisfies me. By the time the weekend rolls around, I'm exhausted beyond the average bailiwick.

Which is why I'm not only surprised, but immensely relieved when Noya enters my room with two Garigari-kun popsicles.

He sits down on the side of my bed as I'm curled under my blankets, "Your mom let me in, said something about you being a hermit and not eating breakfast or lunch today."

"You brought me breakfast. Yay." I grunt as I groggily sit up to receive the popsicle from Noya. I peel the wrapper and start to lightly lick at the frozen treat.

Noya's quiet as he watches me, not even opening his own popsicle. "What's wrong, my angel?"

I stop licking at the popsicle, but my gaze loosely stays on the wall in front of me. "Nothing, why?"

I can hear Noya shuffling closer on the bed, and then I feel his calloused fingers delicately turn my head. "For starters, you're slowly licking the Garigari-kun when you usually would've devoured it in five seconds," he smiles softly.

I stare blankly at him with exhausted eyes.

"You let that comment your mom made about you slip right by without any comment, when you would usually have some smartass retort," he chuckles. He caresses my cheek as he stares endearingly into my eyes, "You also haven't said my name once since I've been here."

I sigh, unable to bottle up the stress I've been harboring. "School and the photography club has just been super stressful."

After I finish ranting-- and the Garigari-kun-- I'm being held within Noya's arms as he soothingly rubs my back.

"I have a tiny present for you," he shyly says.

"Really?" I pull away and he meekly nods.

He slowly passes a small envelope to me.

"Why are you acting like a drug dealer, Yuu?" I chide as I watch him squirm next to me.

He pouts and turns away, his pink-dusted cheeks puffing out as he mumbles, "Open it."

I slowly peel the envelope open, pulling out two photographs. I catch a tiny glimpse at the photos before looking up to Noya with a skeptical look. He grins back in response, his eyes signaling me back to the photos.

When I finally analyze the two pictures, I can't hide the surprised look on my face. They're photos of me at our date last weekend, but I can't recall them being taken. In the first photo, I'm holding my camera in my hands as I take in the garden of lilacs around me, a small smile at my lips. In the second, I'm passed out and snuggled into Noya's shoulder as he lightly kisses my forehead.

I look back to him in awe and smile sincerely, "These are beautiful, Yuu. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He lets out a boyish laugh as warm as a family room fireplace. It makes my heart swell in loving affection when his beaming smile is shown for me once again. "Now I hope you cheer up, (Y/N)!"

The watery feeling of tears pricks the back of my eyes, and I rush to pull Noya into my arms. The strong emotional comfort I feel is verifying how much I actually needed Noya's presence. My face buries into his shoulder as my arms tighten around his neck, "I love you so much. More than you can ever know."

"I know," he gently whispers and kisses the side of my head, "I love you, too, my angel."

I immediately go to frame the two photos and lean them against my desk and the wall. I join Noya back on my bed and plant a sweet kiss on his lips. We both lay under the covers of my bed, wrapped in the warmth of the other.

"Just so you know, I didn't take that second photo," he sheepishly mumbles. "You passed out and leaned on my shoulder. You looked so cute when you were sleeping, so I couldn't help myself and went to kiss your forehead."

"Thanks for the compliment, Yuu~" I hum with a tiny smirk.

If he was red before, he would be bright crimson now. "A-Anyways," he clears his throat, "there was somebody taking pictures and happened to see. They flagged me down afterwards and showed me the photo they took."

I gaze at the photos on the desk, engulfed in a cocoon of warmth. As I melt into Noya's embrace I can only think of how grateful I am to know he will always be here by my side.

"You will always mean more to me than a thousand photos, Yuu."

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