💢Shouldn'ta Done It, Huh?🗯️

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Error wept as his older brother, Geno, held him in a tight hug. Geno rubbed his skull gently, trying his best to cheer him up or calm him down. Fresh was trying to comfort Error, all the same, trying to make a joke or something, but was unable to cheer his brother up.
Ink was at the door, wanting to talk to Error. "Please, let me talk to him!"
"No!! You broke his heart! YOU CHEATED ON HIM, YOU DAMN PRICK!" Reaper yelled at him, trying to keep him out. 
"Please, Reaper! It was an accident!"
"How do you ACCIDENTALLY cheat on someone?!"
"I got drunk!"
"You are 18 years old, you can't buy alcohol, neither should you be drinking it!!" Reaper yelled back.
"I know! I made a huge mistake, but please, let me talk to Error!" Ink begged from the other side of the door.

"...Let the bastard in." Decans' voice was dark and cold.
Reaper felt a shiver go down his spine, "Uh, alright..." He opened the door, confused and a bit scared by Decans' sudden change in character.
Ink stepped in, "Where i-" He was met with a punch to the face, and he fell to the ground in pain, blood dripping from his nose. 
Decans panted, "HOW COULD YOU?! You're so STUPID! You could lose someone so trusting and kind, and yet somehow you still lost sight of the fact that you have been blessed with such a great man! All because of some stupid argument!!" Decans yelled at him, his eyes a firey cyan. "You're a fucking child! You can't just hop from one person to the next and expect EVERYTHING TO GO YOUR WAY!!" 
Ink flinched, looking down. "I'm-"
"DON'T. Do not apologize to me! Apologize to Error!! If I find out some shit like this happens again, I'll beat your ass so FUCKING hard-"
Reaper shushed Decans, "Hey, calm down... it's okay."
Decans huffed, glaring daggers into Ink's soul. 

Ink got up, "I'm sorry..." He had tears in his eyes, extremely upset and angry with himself.
Reaper glared Ink as well, "Go say it to Error, not us, dumbass." Reaper walked away with Decans so he could hopefully get him to calm down.
Ink went to Error's room, figuring that he would be there. He gently knocked, "...Error...?"
Fresh huffed, getting up and opening the door. "What the hell do you want?"
"I just want to talk to Error..." Ink cowered a bit, being the short skele he is. 
Fresh glared at him, "Fine." He stepped aside so Ink could go in.
Ink stepped in, going towards Error.
Geno glared Ink, the glitch over his eye going a bit crazy. He backed up a bit though, but still rubbed Error's back to comfort him.
Error continued to weep but tried to calm down so he could properly talk to Ink.

Oh and Ink's heart absolutely broke at the sight of his hurt lover. He hated so deeply to see him in such pain, especially when that pain was caused by himself. "Oh, Ruru..." He teared up, his hands starting to shake.
Error wiped his tears away, sniffling and taking in a lot of short, but sharp breaths. He couldn't bring himself to look at Ink, feeling so, so miserable from the trust that had been shattered.
Ink broke down, hugging Error tightly, beginning to cry. "Oh, Error! This is all my fault!" He knew so well that he was in no position to be crying like this, like it was he who had been hurt by the latter, but pain was so evident from seeing the taller skeleton in so much pain. "I'm so, so sorry, Error..! I made such a huge mistake...!"
Error just sat there, emotionally feeling numb from all his pent up, negative emotions. He couldn't even bring himself to try and hug back, he shouldn't have in the other's eyes, but he still wanted too. He wanted to feel Ink there to comfort him, but his body just ached, it ached deeply from so much stress.
Ink just continued to sob out apologies and gentle begs for Error to forgive him, as much as he knew that Error shouldn't have.

It took a full 20 minutes for both of them to finally start calming down and breath properly. The blood from Ink's nose already dry. Ink let go of Error, wiping his tears, "...You don't have to forgive me..." He looked down, the weight of guilt heavy on his shoulders, and his knees were about to buckle. "But I still love you... so, so much, Error.. I made a terrible mistake that day.. but please, let me try and prove myself.. for you, Ruru..!" He took his hand.

Geno got protective, "Ink-!"
Fresh stopped him though, "Hey. I'm just as pissed as you are, Geno.. but they need to get this sorted out on their own.. they're adults now.."
Geno huffed, filled with rage and hatred for the short artist.
Error looked up at Ink, his eyelights were hazy and very softly lit; His eyes were exhausted and droopy, tired from all the tears. "...How... do I know I can trust you...?"
Ink's heart sank, wishing he hadn't of asked that, but he had all the right too. He had no idea how to answer. But, the answer raised up, very soon. "...Because, I won't leave your side like that again." He sat next to him. "If we ever fight again, I will go and I will draw or paint to calm down.. if I get drunk again, I will isolate myself just so I don't hurt you, whether it's directly or not." He tried his best not to cry again. "I love you so much... I don't want to lose you..."
Error sniffled, "I...I..." He teared up, starting to cry again, but more softer this time. "I love you too... but... I'm so scared, Ink..!" He started to shake, "I wanna be with you, I really do, just-" He cried, Ink comforting him.
"I know... I know..." Ink hugged him gently, bringing him close. "Please.. trust me, this time.. I will never do that to you EVER.. again.. okay?" He wiped Error's tears. "I'll be here for you.." He gave a sweet, reassuring smile.

Error sniffled, hesitantly leaning into Ink's touch when his tears were wiped away. He yawned softly, extremely exhausted from crying.
"Ink, you should stay with him tonight." Geno suggested. "If I find out you hurt him though, I fucking swear to Reaper-"
"I won't hurt him. I promise." Ink cut him off, this time, having more passion in his voice.
Geno huffed, "Better not..." He left the room along with his baby bro, shutting the door so they had more privacy.
Ink turned off the big light and let the sun shine through the thin curtains, going to Error and having him lie down.
Error complied, very much needing to rest. He curled up with the blankets quickly.
Ink lied next to him, only gently rubbing his upper arm. "Error...?"
"I just figured you should be aware, Dream did get pregnant, we're planning to switch taking care of them when they're born, okay..?" Ink scooted a bit close to Error, so badly wanting to hold him and help make him feel better.
Error just nodded. "A-Alright..."
"Is it alright if we cuddle..? If you don't want too, I respect your decision..."
Error hesitated, not knowing how to answer. He desperately wanted the warmth and safe embrace of his lover, but he was still caught up in his feelings, he just wasn't sure. It took him a few moments before he decided, "I-I suppose..."
Ink gave a reassuring smile as he scooted closer to Error. He carefully wrapped his arms around his waist, carefully pulling him close. He rubbed his side with his thumb and whispered sweet nothings to Error, giving small, but meaningful kisses on his neck and shoulders.
Error blushed with his words and actions, a bit tense but he soon went limp; Letting out a pent up breath of air, his body and mind succumbed to the love of the skeleton spooning him. He was starting to relax in his arms once again.

Ink smiled softly, glad that his lover was relaxing with him. He continued what he was doing, until Error fell asleep after 10-15 minutes. Ink decided to follow after him, holding him close as he soon fell asleep.

(1,417 Words)

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