'Til Death Do Us Together

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Soulmate concepts:
1. Soulmates don't always have to stay together.
2. When soulmates have skin on skin contact for the first time their names etch into their skin where a wedding band would traditionally be worn.
3. When a soulmate dies, the deceased will continue to exist in the living soulmates head.

Other notes:
Red hood was revived without the use of the Lazarus pit. Which in this universe is unable to heal/revive the dead. So Jason was revived by something superboy prime did, resurrecting him and leaving Jason to dig himself out of his grave. Injured but alive and talia finds him wandering around and brings him back for a Lazarus bath to heal his wounds.


His mother had always told him stories about soulmates and her time with his father. They had been his favourite reprieve from his training as heir to the league, though his grandfather had always looked at them in disapproval when he found them talking of such things.

Hearing of his mother's love for his father, of their own soul mate bond had been both reward and warning. She'd always spoken well of his father, of his brave and stubborn nature and strict morals, even if they conflicted with her own much of the time.

Damian had asked once why his father was not there with them, at the time he had half expected her to tell her that he was, that the man had died and now resided within his mothers mind as happened with most soulmates when one died. But she had merely shook her head.

"My child, sometimes the best thing one can do for their mate is let them go." She had told him one night before he was to sleep. "Your father may be my soulmate, but both of us understood that things could never work long term between the two of us, our views differ too much and neither of us are wiling to bend to the others standards." She ran a hand through his hair. "I love your father, and I would like to believe that perhaps deep down he still feels the same for me and I cant wait for the day when I can introduce you."

Damian looked up at his mother, "Can I meet him soon mother?"

She gave him a sad smile, "not yet my child, you need to keep training. You father lives a dangerous life, Introducing you too soon may create too much of a distraction in his life, I could not bare the thought that doing so would create an opening for his enemies and lead to his death. And I want you to be able to protect yourself from his foes also." She leaned down to kiss his forehead, "But I promise Damian. One day you will meet him." Damian hummed as she got up and made her way to the door. "goodnight my child. I will see you in the morning."

"Goodnight mother." Damian said before turning over in the bed. Like most nights it was filled with thoughts of meeting his father or soulmate. He liked to think he knew what to expect from his father, afterall, his mother had snuck him footage of his father before. Things that some of her undercover assassins had collected on the man, the collection included some of his fights and more than a few public appearances.

Damian had felt offended on his mother's behalf noticing the many different women he would appear with, but his mother had laughed and pointed out that it was never the same one twice and that at least he had decent taste in arm candy. He wasn't really sure what arm candy was but if his mother wasn't upset then he wouldn't be.

His mate on the other hand was a complete mystery. One he would only learn of when their skin meets for the first time. He liked to imagine what kind of person they would be.

Maybe they could also fight? Part of him hoped she could, that she would be able to protect herself as he could. But at the same time he dreaded the thought of her growing up as he had, the thought of her getting hurt in training as he had countless times. He stared at the callouses and cuts on his hands from his sword.

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