01 draco

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It was months after the war and I was packing my bags to go to my finale year at Hogwarts. It will be my 8th year, 7th year kinda got ruined by a war so it was optional go redo it. Most of the students in my year decided to redo it.

"Are you nervous?" Mum asked standing in the doorway.
"To go see my classmates that thinks I betrayed them all? No, no definitely not" I said sarcastically, mum laughed and rolled her eyes.
"You don't have to go. If you don't want to"
"I know. But I should" she nodded and walked downstairs.

The Malfoy manor has been very quiet since the war ended and father was arrested and sent to Azkaban. Mother and I weren't found guilty so we weren't sent to Azkaban. But we're reminded every time we leave our home and go to Diagon Alley what horrible people we are.

I placed my suitcase and all my things I'll need for school outside of my bedroom. I flipped through all the letters Pansy sent me over the summer. I almost wasn't going to go back. But, Pansy begged me to go. She sent me 22 letters of reasons I should go back to Hogwarts. Every reason was Harry Potter.

I've had a crush on Harry ever since fourth year. The anxiety I had of him nearly dying in the Triwizard tournament, I think of it daily. Still amazes me how he lived.

After eating dinner I spent hours reading in my bedroom. I fell asleep with a book in my hand.

I woke up hours later screaming, another nightmare. I panted and looked around my room. Voldemort wasn't here, he's not going to kill me. I am safe. I walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face.
I am safe.

I ate breakfast the next morning with mum.
"I heard you screaming last night" she said.
She squeezed my hand and looked at me sadly.

We were at the train station, mum smile and nodded at me every time someone gave us a nasty look.
"I'll miss you my boy. Don't forget to write. I'll see you at Christmas. I love you" mum said kissing my cheeks and hugging me.
"I'll miss you. Love you" I hugged her back and got on the train.

I looked around for an empty compartment and for Pansy. I was at the end of the train and there was no sign of Pansy, but I found an empty compartment.
Pansy eventually walked in with Blaise behind her.
"Draco!" She screamed and sat down next to me and hugged me. Blaise glared at her for screaming.
"What are you being so fucking loud for?" He snarled. Pansy rolled her eyes.
"How have you been darling?" She asked.
"Never better" I responded.
"No really. How have you been?"
"The nightmares won't stop" I said. She glanced at Blaise.
"What are they about?"Blaise asked.

I described my dreams I've been having to my friends when Hermione Granger walked into the compartment.
"Oh, hello. Sorry could we sit here? Every where else is full" Granger asked.
"Oh yes, yes of course!" Pansy said. Granger smiled and looked back and gave a thumbs up. Ron Weasley and Harry Potter walked in behind her.
"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed at Pansy.
"A chance for you to see Potter" she said.
I glared at her and we all awkwardly tried to start a conversation with them.

It was dark when we arrived at Hogwarts. Pansy grabbed my hand and we walked to the castle together.
"Oh this year is going to be amazing! Just you boys wait!" She squealed and she spun around.

As we entered the castle, Professor McGonagall wanted to talk to all the 8th years.
"8th years, this year will be a bit unusual for all of you. But as we aren't used to having 8th years, we've had to make an adjustment. All 8th years will be staying in the Slytherin rooms. Doesn't matter your house, you'll be staying and sleeping there. You will not be going to your house common rooms at all."
She said. A bunch of student groaned, Pansy smiled at us. We entered the Dinning Hall and listened to the professors talk about another year and Hogwarts.

We finished our meal and we followed McGonagall to the Slytherin common room.
"I will be posting a list of which rooms you'll be in. No changes. What you get is what you get. Now have a good night and I'll see you all tomorrow" she pinned the paper on the wall and walked out.

Everyone lined up to see what room they'll be in and who they're sharing with.
"Now how much are we betting that Draco ends up rooming with Potter? Pansy asked.
"Nothing. It won't happen"
Blaise mouthed something to Pansy and she giggled and nodded.
"I hate you both" I said they laughed.

We got up to the list and I gasped.
"What? What happened" Pansy asked pushing me aside.
"Oh my god, Draco. If you don't get railed this year this will all be a waste"
She laughed and handed Blaise a handful of coins.
"Can't believe your with Potter!" She jumped up.
"There's 3 others there too. Blaise is one of them"
"Blaise make sure he makes a move!"
Blaise gave her a thumbs up. Pansy skipped off to the girls dorms while we walked to the boys dorms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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