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          My name is Alex Starphase, it was 'Alex Sumeragi', but now 'Sumeragi' is my middle name. That's a story for another day. You see, I'm writing this journal, not for fun. I'm creating this journal because I'm growing up in a world where there is no peace and probably never will be. In a city so mysterious as to how it first came to be, a family so odd. Some might think it's straight out of a book.
          I was born in Hellsalem's Lot on December 14 on Mors Fortuna or Fortuna Mors as some few call it. It's basically a week for when both miracles and tragedies happen. I just so happened to be that miracle. My mom didn't know she was having me, so I came as more of a surprise to her. She kept and raised me, despite having a busy life.  
         Along the way, she and dad married. It would also seem that along the way to adoption papers, they weren't needed. Dad signed his name on my birth certificate and changed my name before he turned the paperwork in. So, life went okay I suppose. Probably the only normality I have here in this city. 
            Somewhere in my childhood, I met Kuro and took him in as my pet. Mom & Dad were a little concerned at first. But agreed to let me keep him. As time went on, we soon discovered Kuro was a vampire, and that to no one's fault (except maybe my own). Formed a contract with me, so now we have a vampire living with us. In secret........ Hidden from Libra. Who Mom & Dad work for, so yeah......... Fun times.
             I even had the opportunity to meet Hioyori, Yato, & Yukine who live in Japan with grandma, grandpa, and uncle Ryu. I guess my family is a little too big and a little strange. But being Hellsalem's Lot, I suppose this is the norm. It's actually because of where I live that I might have developed the habit to observe both people and my surroundings. It might have also been because my mom is a spy and my dad, well......... He's more than Libra's second-in-command. 

            So, as I show you what I think of all those around me. I hope you take it with a grain of salt. Because these are only my opinions, my observations, and they're bound to change as I grow older. I am only thirteen after all. So read if you want, I won't encourage you. Fun readings....... :)

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