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Welp let begin here we see
The student council and they were being asked questions as apparently that was a good fundraiser for the school so some questions where like when is the next school event or something else.

But on to the Q&A.ps this in the giant theater we're Iino talked about her ideals

Reporter:Kaguya are you dating shinomeya

Kaguya:No comment

Reporter:shinomeya when is the next school event from all of these funds

Shinomeya:We actually don't know yet as we are still thinking and brainstorming ideas

Reporter:Ishigami are you going to enter the Japanese country gaming tournament

Ishigami:Yes actually I'm thinking of ace ing the competition

Reporter:thank you

Reporter:Ms.Iino do you have any partner ships with other schools

Iino:that is a secret but we do partner sometimes for events

Reporters:final question have you all ever dated or had a girlfriend/boyfriend

Shinomeya:Sadly I don't have a girlfriend yet but I think I will soon/(Thoughts:Yeah soon when Kaguya confesses to me)

Kaguya:Same answer I think I will have one soon,(Yup after I get shinomeya to say I love you to me)

Ishigami:Sadly no I have not dated anyone,But I do like someone(Hopefully Iino feels the same but I'm to scared)

Iino:Same here sadly I have not dated because people didn't like my ideas,(But hopefully Ishigami will like me back)

Reporters:so that means the student council is single

Student council except one:Yup afraid so

Chika:Um no I have a girlfriend

Everyone else:What~

Then after the shock died down it was replaced with this

Students:No f ing way the secretary is bi,more importantly who is her girlfriend,I'm just dying to know,Yes who is your girlfriend!!!!!

The rest of the student council looks shocked but kinda jealous at the same time

Chika:I wanted to tell people but I agreed not to say her name

Everyone else:aww

Shinomeya:Inner thoughts:Wait I got a idea

Shinomeya:hey chika


Shinomeya:I think principal winked at you

Principal:What of course no—t/He says as he got hit with a shoe

Chika's girlfriend arrives and reveals her self
Ai hayasaka

Everyone:No way,Ai is her girlfriend,I can't believe it!!!

Kaguya:Your dating her ai no wonder you were busy all the time!!

Ai:Sorry but yes I have been dating chika for 6 months actually

Kaguya:thoughts: you have betrayed me fujawara

Ai:now if you excuse me we're going to a movie/She says as she princess carries chika to the theater

Everyone else:Wait we need more answers

Ryan:Yup I made a fanfic for chika x Ai to be continued and I'm really bad at making one shots.Also don't blame me There isn't enough of this ship

one shots if im boredWhere stories live. Discover now