our new year together

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Oikawa's pov


"Iwa-chan!" I yelled excitedly before running to him through the park we were meeting up at then I drop myself on Iwaizumi. "crappykawa, stop yelling we're still in a park. There's still other people here." Iwaizumi spoke trying to push me off as he said it, I sigh "do you have to keep calling me that mean name?" I pouted. "Would you prefer shittykawa?" He asks.


"then deal with crappykawa"

"why cant you call me Oikawa?"

"because I dont want to"

"It's literally my name"

"why don't you call me Iwaizumi"


"Bruh shut up you two" mattsun cut me off before I could finish.

"are you two dating yet? if not uh why the fuck not" Makki spoke too, I guess they met up then started walking here. I look at Iwa-chan, he's blushing? I wonder why. "Well let's get going" Iwa said before turning and walking away "hey, wait!" I yell out and run to him, I hear the other two snicker so I turn around so I'm walking backwards beside Iwa. "Why are you guys snickering? Hurry up, the fireworks start soon" I (loudly) tell them.

"shut up, you're not our captain right now" Makki replied, I groaned in annoyance. "technically I am, but I'm your friend too" I pause for a moment "can you get up here I dont wanna yell anymore" I whine. Seeing that they sped up, I turned around "Iwa?" I asked quieter then when talking to Makki. "yeah?" He answers "nevermind"i softly smile at him.

"Really?" He asks and I see a small smile. "yeah" I say as I turn away from him and look in front of me again. "We're almost there so stop going soft on our stupid friend" mattsun says after he and Makki apparently caught up to us "did you just call me stupid!?" I say slightly upset "no he called you our friend" Makki told me.

"Stop tag teaming being mean to me" I answer "we're here and just need to walk up the hill, so stop your bickering with eachother" Iwaizumi stopped us. "Fine then, So why are you two holding hands?" I smirk at Mattsun and Makki "well, unlike you" mattsun paused "we've been dating for a few months"

"Wait why didnt you tell us!?" I ask "we did, you were just admiring a certain someone" Makki said mockingly while calling me out. Iwa walked ahead a bit ago so Mattsun made a quick look at him

"shut up!" I say

"Not my fault you make it easy to make fun of"

"I'm just trying to have a good last day of the year, and you mock me"

"Yeah" both Makki and Mattsun say snickering afterwards.

"Iwa-chan, Makki and Mattsun are mocking me" I yell out while running up the hill to get to him. "Its your fault you started bickering with them again" he tells me "hmph"

"The fireworks should be starting in a few minutes so let's go!" I grab Iwa's hand and run the rest of the way up the hill. My face heats up as I realize I'm holding Iwaizumi's hand so I let go.

My hand feels empty without his hand in mine but I ignore it. I sat on the hill, looking at the night sky feeling the nice breeze of the winter air. Its relaxing up here, exhaling and inhaling as I look at the stars.

Iwa-chan sits beside me "do you think aliens can see the fireworks from here?" I ask "are you kidding me it's new years and you're still talking about aliens" he lightly smiles and chuckles. My face heats up when I hear his laugh "should we count down like everyone else?" Mattsun spoke "we could" Iwa replied "we should" I say.

"Well its 11:58 only two more minutes" Hanamaki says

I lay down on the ground still looking at the sky, still smiling and blushing from before.

We wait and wait, these two minutes feel like they're taking forever and its finally ten seconds until the new year, we all start counting.












"I like you"


Iwaizumi kisses me

It feels like time stops

My face heats up more

He pulls away

I freeze

"oh jesus, can we just forget about this, I-I shouldn't of done that" he says

I kiss him this time

"no I wont ever forget about this" I say smiling after pulling away

"Will you be my boyfriend" he asks

"yeah, I'll be your boyfriend"

We both smile

"This is our new year together"

《a few minutes later》

"I love you bitch, I ain't never gonna stop lovin you, bitch"

"Did you have to ruin the moment like that Makki?"

"yeah, because that's what I played when Mattsun confessed to me" he said "you really played that video when he confessed?" I ask

"He did" Mattsun said snickering with Makki.

"of course I did"

our new year together || iwaoi oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now