-Movie night-

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Mitch's Pov

The first day of Pax south is today.I couldn't go to Pax because I didn't have the money but that's alright because I plan to go to Pax East in Boston I have to save up alot for it though. Plus I have my beautiful girlfriend Mia to keep me company.

(I am changing YNH to me basically but 635864x prettier. My name is Mia if you don't already know that by now XD I have brown hair and brown eyes and I am 5'4 and that's how I will describe Mitch's girlfriend in these imagines :D)

It's about 3PM right now and I am texting Mia.

Mia:"We should go buy snacks and movies when I come over tonight"

Mitch:"That sounds good don't forget to bring your onesie"

Mia and I have matching owl onesies. Owl onesies are so comfy.


I clean my room and then I go take a shower and edit my Cube ep.

Mia's Pov

Mitch:"That sounds good don't forget to bring your onesie"

I text back "Okieee"

I go take out my dogs and give them fresh food and water then I edit my Fab Smp ep and schedule it to be posted at 10PM my usual time.

I go take a shower and get ready for Mitch to pick me up for our movie night.


I get a text from Mitch:
"I'm here baeeeee"

I grab my onesie and money for snacks and stuff.

Mitch's Pov

I text her I'm here and I see her coming out so I get out of the car and hug my bae.

Mia:"*laughs* Heyyy"


I open the car door for her and I drive to the store to get the snacks.

*In the store*

I go and get the popcorn and drinks and Mia get the snacks.

We pay and put the food in the car and go to the RedBox in front of the store and chose a movie.

We find a good movie rent it and drive home.

Mia turns on the radio and Boom clap starts playing

Mia:"Haha my jam"

She starts singing it and I join along.

We get to my house and take the stuff inside and run up to my room.

We put the snacks upstairs and go pop the popcorn.

I tweet "Gonna have a movie night with my baee @PinkDiamond23"

I turn on my Xbox and put the movie disc in and Mia and I put our onesies on and snuggle on the bed and watch it.

*About a hour and a half later*
It's 12PM and we finished the movie.

Mitch:"Plot twist I am the actual killer and you are my victim MUAHAHAHA"

I roll over and hug her and don't let her go.


I laugh and let her go and Put the food and dishes away.

I change into boxers and..... wait for it....ya, a shirt.

I run and fly onto my bed and wait for Mia to finish changing so we can go to sleep.

She comes in with my tshirt and boxers.

She looks so cute.

She gets in bed and I turn off the lights and get back into bed.I grab her waist pull her close to me and we cuddle and fall asleep.

Hey guys!!!! I am ssooooo sorry I haven't posted I have been really busy and didn't feel that feeling that I wanted to write but my bae aka Maexplays scooted me to update and it was so fun writing this! I will be posting more and I am thinking of making a story :OOO And thank you guys so much for 400 views and 20 votes!! We are 20 away from 500 views you guys are just a bunch of pals!


Instagram where I post edits!:PinkDiamond23MC
Pls follow I Big Fna

P.S. Leave requests for me to write and I will <3

-MrMitch361 Imagines-Where stories live. Discover now