
446 10 0

prompt: bruno sacrifices himself and almost dies.

status: abandoned


It had been a long week. Or was it two? He honestly couldn't tell at this point. Constantly working late and only going home to sleep. He really didn't even talk to anyone or see anyone. Due to the schedule he was on, he normally went to sleep once everyone else had gone out to work and he left long before anyone came back. It was tough, but something he could manage.

Now that he'd made it home on a normal time for once, he didn't have the energy to really greet anyone or stop for a chat. He just wanted to sleep. The constant nagging and questions from the rest didn't help the growing headache at all. He knew they were only trying to help, but he really didn't need this right now.

He admittedly got a little snappy so they would leave him be. Fortunately Narancia seemed to understand and reassured the others that it was just stress and exhaustion getting to him. Leone was greatful for that kid at times. He really was.

Now, he hoped, he could just lay down and sleep. He'll worry about food tomorrow. And something else he was severely overlooking.


it was no secret that the week had been hectic. he's sent out different schedules for their routines and routes, and unfortunately, abbacchio had been assigned the nightly rounds.

( he would've been opposed with it at first thanks to earlier mishaps with another gang invading their territory, but once they've returned to their base [ and what they practically call home ] , they've both agreed there's no special treatment from bruno regardless of how close they've become. )

he tries not to add any more load for abbacchio. he really does, but sometimes there are run-ins with local minor gangs trying to make a name for themselves by terrorizing the town including the businesses they've been protecting. it doesn't help that these often happen late at night when abbacchio's doing his rounds - and he's left to deal with these minor, petty acts of theft and break-ins by himself.

bruno's grateful for him, really. especially with every concise report from abbacchio dumped on his table every morning on the dot. it's less work for him - all he has to do is compile these while he works on the others' reports and some paperwork that needed tending to.

even so... he can't help but miss him at night, hoping things go accordingly and abbacchio would come home safe. such thoughts only lead to bruno overworking himself too just to be preoccupied from the lack of the other's presence.

so right when he hears the kids crowding on him with narancia eventually trying to explain abbacchio needed to rest, bruno slides out from his room and office to supposedly greet the other.

"you're home early." he calls out to him just before abbacchio could possibly slam the door on his face seeing how close he was to just lying dead on the spot. he wouldn't take offense and frankly was more concerned over the dark circles on abbacchio's eyes.

"you can hand in your report a little late. the kids are still working on some of theirs." bruno gives him lieuway just in case abbacchio forces himself to work on it before passing out. he takes note of abbacchio's expression; his grimace looking close to a scowl and the ever-present furrow of his brows when he doesn't think something's right. "i'm giving you a time off. if that wasn't clear enough -"

bruno archs a brow and leans against the wall, "and you're forgetting something far more important that your reports, leone." bruno sternly says his name as he pointedly looks at him while crossing his arms.

𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 ー bruabba.Where stories live. Discover now