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((Hello!!! Yandere story has arrived! I apologize if some of these characters are a bit OCC... ((((;゚Д゚))))))) please don't kill me!))

Place: Dance Building

"Step! 1, 2, 3, 4!" Kuroko said softly as he began to practice, his eyes narrowed with concentration, his feet landing perfectly on the polished wooden floor.

He closed his eyes for a moment and let himself disappear into the music, his name 'The Dancing Shadow' coming to life at that moment.

"Kuroko-Kun~!" Kuroko yelped as he lost his footing, his Girlfriend, Momoi, raced into the room, holding his Ballet Slippers.

"M-Momoi-Chan!" He said, surprised at her sudden in-burst of his dancing.
She blinked a few times at her Boyfriend that was slowly getting up off the floor before she blushed profoundly, seeing he had fallen.

"I-I'm so sorry, Kuroko-Kun!" She squealed, bowing deeply making him chuckle a bit.

"It's not your fault. I just wasn't prepared." Momoi nodded sheepishly and walked over to Kuroko, handing him a towel since he was incredibly sweaty from his routine.

"Oh! I just remembered!" She squealed, jumping up and down, a large smile on her face and her eyes practically glowing with excitement and slight fear.

"What is it?" He asked, turning his attention from his highly scuffed up Ballet shoes, he'd have to get new ones soon.

"Well," she started, sweat dropping and not meeting his eyes.

"The Captain advisor of GoM called.." Kuroko's eyes widened, he knew of the GoM.

A large cooperation that was known for its specialties ranging from Medical to the Police force itself.

They were all bullies, in Kuroko's opinion.

"They want to tear down the Elementary School." She said softly, flinching as Kuroko dropped his shoes.

"What?!" He yelled, his eyes wide with alarm and slight anger, but it quickly reverted back to its normal Poker Face after he had calmed down enough after seeing Momoi's saddened face.

"They want to speak to you, you know, to convince you.." Momoi whispered, her eyebrows creased with worry.

Kuroko flinched a bit, he knew what convince meant in GoM standards.

His friend, Kagami had tangled with them once and came out nearly dead.

"I'll be fine." He said, hugging Momoi softly as she sniffled, about to start crying.

"I'll make sure that they don't close the School. Don't worry!" Little did Kuroko know, he would soon be wrapped up in the GoM's hearts before he knew it.

Dance Of The Wild Shadow-GOM x KurokoWhere stories live. Discover now