chapter 4

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Echo's P.O.V

I better get to class doll, and the gyms outside. Xaiver said with a smile. I blushed and nodded my head. I followed his directions and went outside, and there was the class running laps around the school, ugh excersize. I absolutely hate it!!! Saaaaavvvve me, please? As I walked over to the teacher a girl stopped me

"Stay away from Xaiver bitch, he's mine. He will never like a ugly,fat bitchy slut like you anyways." Wow that really hurt, bullying never feels good tho. I tried to ignore her as I walked over to the teacher, "Um miss?, I'm new here. Sorry I'm late I couldn't find the gym.."

"Ah its fine Miss Chambers. I'm Mrs.Freeman, the p.e coach and drama teacher, I see you probably don't have your kit yet so please take a seat in the stands until the bell sounds" Mrs.Freeman smiles and points to the stands, I nodded and walked over to them and sat down on the bottom row. I plugged in my headphones and turned on Coming Down By Five finger death punch, ahh my favorite band. I guess that girls right.... I have let my self go, I use to be bad anorexic, and my family started getting concerned, so I started gaining weight and I guess I just couldn't stop...... And yeah I'm ugly, and that's that. And Xaiver probably won't ever like me so why did she bring it up? Maybe I should avoid him... I don't need the stress anyway..

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