chapter 3:we reunite again

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after yesterday sakura was feeling slightly different today because that song she remembered something from when she was a baby from her real birth parents.

flashback starts->

the parents said,

"remember sweetspark we will always love you no matter where you are we'll find you, and we will be together again but for now we have to be apart for the time being, but when we see you again we will be a happy family again, we love you so much sakura and we will see you soon baby girl."

flashback ends->

That was she remembered in her memories and she wanted to ask the two wheeler questions about her past but little did she know that she will get the answers that she needed today after school but sakura wasn't looking to good she was getting a headache and her eyes were hurting her to the bone so she went to the nurse and layed there through whole school day till raf came to get her at the end of the last class they were walking outside till they saw jack standing there waiting for them along with miko.

jack said,

"hey guys, you ok sakura you don't look so good."

sakura said,

"hey jack, yah i don't know whats wrong with me i was feeling fine this morning but i guess that sick feeling inside of me was starting to get to me and i've been in the nurse for the whole school day."

miko said,

"whoa thats messed up, maybe you should take it easy right now you are getting stressed everyday and wait a minute, sakura when was the last time you had a good rest."

sakura said,

"um well i think that it was before lastnight it was like about almost two weeks ago, but maybe it's just something else that's making me sick and i'm not sure what it is right now guys."

they were shocked on what sakura said but raf wanted to say something but the kids heard a car horn honking at them telling them that they were here to pick them up and jack was holding sakura on his back walking to the two wheeler, raf went to bumblebee, and miko went to bulkhead. And arcee saw sakura on jacks back and she was getting worried that something must of happened to sakura while she was at school.

arcee said worried,

"is sakura alright, what happened to her."

jack said,

"i'm not sure, all i know is that she hasn't gotten any sleep since yesterday, for about almost two weeks ago."

sakura said tiredly,

"*yawn* i maybe asleep but i can hear the both of you talking *yawn* you know that right."

after that everything was quite throughout the whole drive on the way to the autobot base sakura was still asleep on jack's back while he was driving arcee to the base sakura was still asleep on jack's back while he was driving arcee so the ride was quite the whole way to base. When they got to the base jack got sakura off of arcee and she transformed and took her into her servos and sakura was feeling relaxed and feeling happy for the first time in forever she wasn't feeling stressed or scared at all with arcee jack, raf and Miko could see her expression and tell that she was happy being in arcees servos and right they were talking to optimus about what had just happened at yesterday's events while sakura was still asleep but there was one question on everyone else's mind that needed to be answered.

Jack asked,

"not to be out of line, but how come sakura is feeling happy with arcee she looks really happy to be with you and never let got of you at all?"

Arcee explained,

"during the war for cybertron, before we came to planet earth, I gave birth to the most beautiful girl in cybertronian history she was amazing she my eyes but she defiantly looked like wheeljack my sparkmate then we decided to name her sakura she seemed to like the name so much that it brought me and wheeljack joy when she smiled at us for the first when her optics opened up and she was already happy with us, but after two days Megatron got word about our daughter so wheeljack and I decided that we should send our daughter away until one of us founded her and contacted eachother when we found her, and right now seeing her again growing up it just makes miss everything that I missed her growing up, her first words, and her first step and right now I want to be there for her whenever she needs me and wheeljack. And I never wanna lose her ever again."

Everyone was shocked when arcee explained what happened to them on cybertron and right now sakura was crying about the story she heard and right she finally found about the full truth about herself that was worrying about for 12 years and she hugged her mother's hand closer to her arcee was shocked but happy at the same time that she finally has her daughter back with her and not matter what happened next she would never leave her mother ever again.

sakura said,

"i love you mom."

arcee said shocked,

"i love you too sweetspark, and i will never let you out of my sights ever again."

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