The More the Merrier

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Shinsou woke up early that morning thinking the night before over in his head. He never pegged you to be someone into threesomes, but then again, you did love to keep him on his toes. He called up two of his friends, quickly explaining your sexual desire. Both men were totally on board. Shinsou gave them his and your address and said he would be texting more details later.

Once you woke up, you both immediately begin to lay out the ground rules to your new sexual adventure. You were quite surprised when he told you he just wanted to watch. You realized this meant he would have to find two people to dick you down instead of just one. With a pouty face, you asked why he was opting to sit out of the fun.

     "Because I don't want to miss a single detail kitty cat," he said with a wink

     "And I was hoping you would let me get footage of our little party. That way, you can watch my video instead of those crappy pornos." 

Your face began to flush red as you remembered your stupid slip up. Shinsou gave a low chuckle and kissed your forehead.

     "It's ok y/n, just go get ready for the day. You and I have some errands to run."


You and Shinsou made it home after almost three hours of errands. He had bought a new set of sheets and matching comforter for your bed as well as some new incense for the room. You both agreed that the room had to look nice, given that your sexual 'guests' were still guests non the less. He also stopped and picked up a set of  lingerie in your favorite color and took you to get food. 

Once home, the rest of the day was spent cleaning and prepping the house. Hitoshi set up the bedroom while you cleaned in the kitchen and living room. As you bent over to tuck the freshly cleaned sofa cushions back in, you felt your boyfriend's hands on your hips. It amazed you how stealthy he could be. You stood up straight, your back now flush against his chest. One of his hands played with the hem of your shirt as the other slid up your body to tilt your head to the side, exposing your sensitive neck to his lips. 

   "Are you excited for tonight Y/N?"

He whispered in your ear, tracing a circle with his nose on the side of your face. You moaned as his other hand began to travel up your shirt, stopping right at your stomach.

     "I can't wait to watch my little doll get fucked tonight." He pulled away leaving a hard smack on your ass as he walked back to your room to finish cleaning. Your body went cold without him behind you, but you could still feel the warm sting where his hand had spanked you. Shaking off your horny daze you continued to clean.

Night finally approached and you could feel your excitement beginning to bubble up. You had showered, shaved, and prepared yourself completely. The only makeup you put on being some cheap mascara. It was the violet haired hero's favorite, since the tiniest tear could easily make it run. Hitoshi gave you the newly purchased lingerie and ordered you to sit in the room and wait. You easily slid on the garment, positioning it perfectly on your body. Then grabbing your favorite robe, you covered up and waited on the bed patiently.

After about ten minutes of agonizing anticipation you could hear several sets of foot steps coming to the door. Your stomach churned, butterflies causing your arousal to increase. Hitoshi was the first to step in, taking a seat at the side of the room. Shortly following after him was Bakugo. He was wearing dark pants and a band t-shirt under a nice black leather jacket. And right behind the explosion master himself was Kirashima, wearing jeans and a dark red V neck shirt. This was proof your boyfriend's was observant because you had listed both of these men as 'fuck' during a game of Kiss, Marry, Fuck during Mina's birthday a few months back.

ShinsouxReader 18+: The More The MerrierWhere stories live. Discover now