Chapter 1 | Dead Man Tells No Lies

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Chapter 1 | Dead Man Tells No Lies

Harriet Potter died.

After the defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort, Harriet Potter - known as the Girl-Who-Lived, and now also known as the Woman-Who-Conquered - lived her life peacefully, albeit a bit lonely, as she still haven't gotten a significant other what with all the pressure the media had brought upon her, added to the fact that every guy that she met only saw her oh-so-glorious titles, rather than the actual Harriet Lily Potter.

While the other guys that she already knew and was quite sure to see her as herself were all either out of the country, or taken.

So yeah, you could say that other than burying herself in books in the Black and Potter libraries, life was a bit lonely for one Harriet Potter - especially during the holidays.

But no matter - she already lived longer than she had expected from when she was at the Dursleys and died normally by an unidentified illness that she had somehow acquired in her early thirties.

She opened her eyes to find herself back in the King Cross Station, yet this time, she could see a few figures standing near a the bench where she saw the baby last time. She could see enough that none seemed to be Dumbledore though.

And they seemed to be staring at her.

Feeling a bit awkward, Harriet shifted from one foot to another and crossed her arms in front of her - a habit she had for everytime she felt uncomfortable.

"Um, hello?"

One of the figure, a woman who exudes an ethereal glow, started waving her hand, beckoning her to come closer to them. And unsure of what she should be doing, Harriet slowly walked towards the group by the bench.

The misty fog that seemed to always be present in the air obscured her vision, but as she walked closer, the clearer their faces seemed to be.

The lady was beautiful, everything of her seemed to sparkle and the ethereal glow just enhanced her beauty even further. There was a cloaked figure beside her, the man's features were hidden by his hood but she could see a pale hand holding a scythe, and he was covered by a black mist. And then, there was also a carbon-copy of herself by the side of the hood-man, everything of her seemed the same, if not for the same black mist surrounding the girl nor the boyish hairstyle she sported.

She turned her head to the left to see who the three were conversing with and temporarily stopped on her tracks when she came upon a very, very familiar face.

Blinking rapidly, Harriet rubbed her eyes to make sure that she wasn't seeing things.


Gone was the sickly, pale and snake-like man, standing in front of her was what seemed to be the middle-aged version of the diary horcrux - the only difference he had now was the striking red eyes that he still possesses.

The man stood in front of her in a relaxed manner and observed her with a laid-back smirk. "Hello, Potter." The man greeted pleasantly.

Harriet blinked a couple more times before shaking her head, warding off her honed auror instinct that tried to kick in. She literally didn't really have a life for him to take anyway so there really was no harm the man could make.

Once she took the final two steps towards them and stood beside Voldemort, the woman clapped her hands happily, "Good, now that we are all here. I would like to show you what is going to happen in the future." The woman said with a rueful smile.

Suddenly, the mist around them shifted as they gathered onto one place, then colours began to appear until they form a scene; it was the Diagon Alley, though not the one that she had been accustomed to. No, this Diagon Alley was in pieces, tattered, it looked much worse than the time when Voldemort had been in control, when the Death Eaters were able to freely roam the streets like it was their backyard.

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