Insignificant Changes

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Indian cricket team wasn't in a good mood per say. They had just finished an abysmal series in England, which they had lost 3-2, the last loss bing a huge one. So, predictably the team was in the less than happy wood, loosing sucked no matter how long you have played competitive sport.

On top of that the 25 hr long flight back to India was just announced to be delayed by 6 hrs, it was moments like this that they wished they had agreed BCCI's decision of buying a private jet.

They loitered around the general lobby aimlessly before finding a relatively secluded place and plopping down on the floor unceremoniously, the VIP waiting room was taken by some political delegation, though they had offered to share the room but the team would rather sit on the floor outside than do that.

Jassi was having an terrible headache and it didn't help the Harry was insisting on playing shark attack with him, so he simply went and settled beside Mahi bhai pointing his head prompting Mahi to message it. Harry did try once get more to Jassi to get him to play shark attack (he believed that, the game can make headache go away) but one stern look from Mahi bhai and he subsided

Vi had again started complaining continuously to Jinks about why Rohit sleeping now was proof that Ro didn't love him at all 'because how can he sleep I am BORED';to which jinks gave a dead ass expression, plugged in his headphones and legit ignored Vi blatantly and opened "To kill a mocking bird" and started reading causing Vi to wail even more than an equally ignored Harry before eventually deciding to play shark attack with him.

Kuliya was scribbling away in his iPad probably sketching something out, Yuzi was excitedly playing pubg with Rahul, Rishu, and Bhuvi and all of them were managing to make enough noise for the entire team which made Ash, who was trying to watch a movie throw Jaddu's neck pillow at them, which Jaddu didn't notice as he was busy tying a sleeping Shami's shoe laces together. It was a normal ICT waiting room.

"Weren't they suppose to chose the new BCCI president today?" Jinks remembered suddenly.

"Yeah" Bhuvi replied " any idea who is it, Vi ? "

"No" Vi replied distractedly, as he was too engrossed, now, in beating Harry in shark attacks "Ask Mahi bhai"

"Cheeku" Mahi said sternly "you are the captain, you are supposed to know"

"Useless as always" Ro commented half asleep.

"Yeah" Vi retorted "you are the vice captain so you know I assume, since you are being so useful by sleeping all the time "

"Why don't one of you check who is the new president?" Mahi suggested wondering why these two were like this.

"But I am playing" Vi protested vehemently, earning him a really pointed look from Mahi bhai which prompted him to begrudgingly pickup his phone to check

"Oh they have mailed me" he exclaimed "we have a meeting tomorrow with the new president, Mr. Harsh Goenka."

The whole team sat up at once.

"That moron became our president?" Jinks blurted out, and this statement coming from someone as calm and collected as him was probably enough for everyone to understand what was ict's opinion of their new president.

And if it wasn't one look at their faces would tell you how the felt about the new situation.

"Well most BCCI presidents are jerks" Mahi said trying to lighten the situation "I mean when have we agreed with them ever. It will be ok and anyway he doesn't have problem with Virat or Ro and I am not the captain anymore it's gonna work out fine."

"Well he doesn't have problem with us" Ro said "But if he abuses you in the board room, he is sure gonna have lot of problem from me."

"Ro" Mahi reprimanded "What have I told you?"

"I know, I know" Ro said grumpily "You don't lose your cool in the board room, you don't counter them without an solid argument and you don't plan their murder with Jaddu outside the board room"

"Good, you better remember it" Mahi said eyeing Ro pointedly.

Suddenly this discussion was broken by a howl of pain followed by a booming, airport- shaking laughter. Turns out poor Shami had just gotten up to go the washroom and hadn't noticed that his shoelaces were tied together, he had fallen flat on his face and it had set off Jaddu in an manic laughing spree.

Jinks quickly untied him, and he went off to washroom crushing a laughing Jaddu.

Mahi shakes his head at the "Mad house" they called team as he felt a weight on his shoulder.

Mahi patted Vi on the head, "Don't worry so much Cheeku, these are insignificant changes."

How wrong he was, he wished he knew it back then. But he didn't, back at that moment sitting in the mad house, chitchatting with his kids, everything had felt just perfect.

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