Meeting Royalty

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Whoever was outside was getting closer. It couldn't be Bonnie, she would have been early, and she was never early. It had to be someone, and judging by the footsteps and shouts, they were being chased. I needed to know what's going on. I hoisted myself onto the low branches of a tree and scaled it until I was about halfway up. That way, I could see far over the fence. What I saw amazed me. There was a girl, who looked to be about my age. She had... Butterfly Wings? That was a sign of royalty in the aerial kingdom. Then it all clicked. She was royalty, She had the same crystal blue eyes and stunning wings as Queen Chrysalis, and her golden hair was just as similar to King Lysandros. She was wearing a blue dress with white lace, which must have been very expensive. That was princess Krystal! She was running away from 3 guards. The women on the right had hawk features, and the man on the left had bee features. Then, the man in the middle was an eagle. "Why was she running?" I asked myself. Either way, she was heading my way, so I had to be ready. She had hopped the fence with a single flap of her wings and took off running towards me. I jumped out of the branches and landed on my feet with a thud.

"Can I help you?" I bowed on instinct.

"I need to hide. How much do you want for it?" She asked, and pulled out a sack of food.

"There's a shed in the back area. I don't really want food, you can keep it for when you need it. Also, no need to worry, I'm a good liar. I motioned for her to hide and unlocked the gate into my area once she was hidden.

"Hello? Can I help you?" I asked, putting on my most confused face.

"Has anyone came through here in the last 5 minutes?" Bird-brain asked.

"I live alone, but someone did jump the fence, knock me down, and run away. I'm sorry I didn't catch them. Why do you ask?"

"That's beyond what you need to know. We'll be on our way now. Thank you." The bee dude said.

"I'm happy to help." I shut the door on them. That was really crazy.

I climbed the tree to make sure they were gone. The coast was clear so I jumped down to the ground. "You can come out now." I put my hand on the handle, but she opened before I could.

"Thanks, but I got it. I believe I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Princess Krystal Chrysalis, but please call me Krystal."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Cymric"

"I was wondering... With all the guards looking for me, It's not exactly safe to go out right now. Can I stay until it gets dark?"

"Uhhh, sure? I was inviting my friend over here, and they should be here right about, now. On cue, Bonnie opened the door and walked in, not even noticing Krystal. 

"Hey, Cymric! You'll never guess what I saw on the way here. I saw-" she looked in our direction. "Huh? Oh hello!" Princess Krystal awkwardly waved as Bonnie stared, then smiled.

 "Wait a minute, You look familiar... Like, I've seen you, you're famous. Who are you?" Bonnie asked. 

"I'm Princess Krystal, but please call me Krystal. The title is awkward." She said. 

"Well, It's about 2 o'clock. If you want, we can have a snack, and then maybe go gather stuff for dinner." I interrupted. 

"Could we wait for an hour? those guards are still nearby."


An hour later, this is what I had learned. Krystal was tired of being taken care of and thought it was unfair that everyone else had to survive out here, while she was waited on and had anything a whistle away. She ran away to try and show she didn't want it anymore. She flew as far as her wings could carry her, touched down a mile away, and ran until she saw my fence. She has a bag of seeds, to barter with people and lots of fruit.

"Where were you planning on going anyways?" Bonnie asked.

"Somewhere in the U.S. I heard that the ruins there are decently sturdy, especially in New York or D.C, or whatever we call them now. I prefer old terms." Krystal responded, answering her questions"

"I never learned the new terms. My mom homeschooled me." I said.

"Speaking of which, where are your parents?" Krystal asked, looking around.

"I never knew my dad, and my mom was murdered when I was 6," I told her. Her confused face turned to a saddened one. "It's ok though. I miss her, but now I know all these things, like how to sew and knit, or which plants are safe to eat." I smiled.

And so, we went to go find our blueberries.

A New World: Book one of the Animalia seriesWhere stories live. Discover now