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Chapter 49

It's been a few hours since River got out of surgery. She still hasn't woken up. The nurses have come in a few times to check her vitals and I could see the worry they had on their faces. Doesn't take a profiler to see that something was wrong.

 Another nurse came in and did the same as the nurses before her, checked her vitals and her iv, then walked out. Jakie and I gave each other worried looks before the doctor came in. he did the same as the nurses and right before he left he turned towards us and cleared his throat. 

"It looks like River slipped into a small coma and that's why she hasn't woken up yet." "coma? Well, when is she going to wake up?" I asked. "We don't know." no no no no NO. when we thought everything was going to finally go to be okay something else happens. 

The doctor left and I informed Jakie that I was going to tell the team. I walked towards the waiting room, where they were. I slowly dragged my feet. If I told them, then it would all be real. The longer she's in a coma the less likely it is for her to wake up.

"Is she awake?" Garcia asked me when I turned the corner into the room. After hearing Garcia and seeing me, everyone stood up. "Uh- no. she... she spilled into a coma, they don't know when she'll wake up or if she'll wake up." after I updated them on Rivers condition I was enveloped in hugs, and my team telling me how 'sorry' they are and that 'she'll wake up'. I hope what they are saying is true. I also hope she'll forgive me and take me back whe- if she wakes up.

~3 days later~

River still hasn't woken up. Jakie and I haven't left her side for more than a few hours. We both urged each other to go home and get rest but both of us denied. We wanted to be there in case she would wake up. but she hasn't, not yet anyway. the team has visited and brought me clean clothes to change into. I'm really happy I have them, they're like my family. 

I'm happy I have them since my family is kinda broken. That's something River and I have in common, both our fathers left when we were young. Her mother also left her and she was raised by her aunt who passed away a year or so before I met her. She has it worse than me. Jakie is the only family she has. I'm glad she has Jakie.

It was night now, the fourth night at the hospital. Rivers fourth night in a coma. It was getting frustrated. Every time her heartbeat rhythm changes or her IV finishes and there are beeps, I think she's awake but I look at her and she's still asleep.

 Jakie and I decided to go get some coffee from the cafeteria downstairs. Through this horrible situation, I've gotten to know Jakie more and through her, I learned some new things about River, things that make me love her more. For instance, I already knew Jakie was an excellent painter because River liked to brag about how amazing her best friend is.

 What I didn't know though was that River was also a really good painter, she and Jakie took art classes together. It showed me there are still things I don't know about River and hopefully, she'll share that side with me if she wakes up.

Jakie and I were about to walk out of Rivers hospital room when I heard the most terrifying sound in the world...


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