An Insult, An Icicle, An Injury

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A/n: For some reason, the notifications for this chapter and "Yokai" came out in the wrong order for me, so if the same happened to you, read "Yokai" first.

"According to MBI these are the files on all the unemerged sekirei in the city," the sharp blue of screen light glinted against Matsu's glasses, "and as much as it pains me to say it after having you to myself for a few weeks, you need more contracts, be it for your seal, or for your ability to interfere in the game."

"Still, I'm not sure I like seeing all of them laid out in front of me like that."

"Now's not the time to be getting sentimental about it, you need to bolster your power, I can't fight and your seal's not anywhere near being free enough to let you last for long."

"I know, I know, but still. With the adjustments Minaka has done the sekirei are weaker and easier to wing than they ever should be. Just one kiss and that's it, no regards to compatibility, you're stuck together 'till termination or death. It's wrong. My magic overcame MBI's adjustments on you so I've got a pretty good idea what a sekiei should be like in power and genetics, and Minaka's gone and left them without any defences. Forced winging shouldn't even be possible, let alone easy. And on the subject of Mina-"

Matsu had wrapped her arms around Magpie and was gazing into his eyes

"Hey, that's why you need to do this. I know you don't want anyone in pain, but the best way to do that is to get more power, and quickly, ok."

Magpie nodded lightly "Yeah, thanks, I needed that."

"Good, regardless of what happens I'm yours forever, and when your happy I'm happy, now lets look and see if there are and unwinged birds that catch your attention."

Magpie's eyes flicked across the screen for a few minutes, before they settled on one image. "I don't think you're gonna like it, but I've someone does look interesting."

"Why not?"

"It's the former number 7 Akitsu, but I'd have to undo MBI's adjustments before the contract."

"That's a big risk, she attacked her adjuster, so could be violent, and I can't imagine undoing adjustments without a contract would be easy. Even if you could do it, she went missing last night, even MBI can't find her, so who knows where she is. She could have made an alliance with some powerful ashikabi."

"I doubt it, MBI keeps pretty close tabs on all their game's participants, so I think we'd know if she was with someone, as for the violence, it's not exactly unwarranted, all things considered. If anything, finding her is going to be the fun part."

"I think I've got an idea for that."


"You know how you could expand your aura to find my cameras, I was wondering if you could do the same, but looking for sekirei cores?"

"Yes, yes! Thanks, you're remembering what I can do better than me. Supernatural powers are far easier to find than electronics, so I could probably cover one of Tokyo's wards every half an hour."

"Great. I'll give you an earpiece so I can keep in contact with you, so go on then."

----Half a day later----

"Six hours and nothing, how spectacular. I have a feeling I'm gonna be here all day." Magpie grumbled, his aura filling yet another city ward. "Anyway here goes." He closed his eyes and concentrated, letting his consciousness move out of his body into his entire aura. Searching, scrutinising, being everywhere. Then he caught something, or rather three somethings.

"I'm getting three cores a few streets away, two pursuing one fleeing, what can you get on CCTV?"

There was a short pause before Matsu's voice crackled through the earpiece. "I see sekirei 88 Musubi, she's got a man with her and they're being chased by number 11 and 12, Hikari and Hibki, they both use lightning, and are quite powerful."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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