Madoka Magica OC 1

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Human Information
Name: Hekima Hagimoto
Age: 16(contracted at 11)
Status: Alive
Birthday: June 5
Zodiac sign: Gemini♊
School: Matakihara Middle School(4th year)
Place: Matakihara City
Family: parents and two younger sisters
Hair colour: light pink
Eye colour: light pink
Hairstyle: long wavy hair (she has it always down)
Extra : She wears a pair of glasses
Personality: kind,cheerful helpful,loving,friendly,social, intelligent, a bit shy when she makes a new friend, can get mad when someone insults her and her beloved ones, sensitive,emotional(but isn't a total crybaby), loyal.Sometimes she puts herself on high pressure something that makes her getting stressed .
Likes: books, helping other people, her friends and family, beautiful things , swimming, Greco-Roman culture, mermaids, angels, the colour pink, classical and pop music, History, philosophy, being healthy, visiting museums, learning new things, feminine clothes
Dislikes: bullies, awful smells, pointless questions,being sick, toxic people, fake friends,being insulted, loud noises, liars, ugly things,  being judged, boredom, rude people, being stressed, when people mistake femininity as weakness, clothes that are way too revealing
Quote: "I love helping the others because it makes me feel better, not because I want to get more attention"

Magical Girl Information
Soul Gem: light pink with a harp symbol(located on her chest when she is transformed)
Default Type: Light
Wish: "Please give me the power to make the world a better place by using the gift of knowledge"
Weapon: book
Outfit: light pink sleeveless top covering only her chest, long light pink ballgown style skirt that  reaches her ankles, light pink diamond bracelet on her right hand(she doesn't wear gloves though), a pair of light pink Greek styled sandals on her feet and a Greek styled diadem decorated with light pink diamonds on her head. She also wears light pink nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails . She still keeps her glasses in her magical girl form.
Ability: during battles she never attacks her opponents directly. She will try to find the weak points of each witch and familiar she fights by watching carefully their movements and after she finds them she will be ready to attack them

Witch form
Thelxinoe: the witch of Wisdom with an alluring nature. She allures people into her labyrinth and forces them to appreciate its beauty , but if someone denies to do so she won't let them go. This witch resembles a mermaid with an attractive yet creepy face and her colour scheme is similar to her respective magical girl. Only those who are clever enough to understand her techniques and purposes are able to defeat her

Peisinoe: Minions of the witch of wisdom. Their duty is writing. They are writing ancient greek philosophy quotes on the labyrinth's walls so the witch will be able to attract more people into her barrier. They resemble small female angels

Witch's barrier
Thelxinoe's witch barrier looks like a mysterious place with an ancient Greek ruins and it is also full of books and various quotes of wisdom are written on its walls

Doppel description
Thelxinoe: the Doppel of Wisdom. Its form is that of a mermaid's. When it is summoned it appears behind from its master. The master of this Doppel thinks that it is the most beautiful and wisest thing in existence and will use an alluring yet dangerous aura to attack its opponents.


A magical girl that was raised into a nice and caring family and loves learning new things about the world and takes academic studies seriously. She always tried her best and her parents were so proud of having a daughter like her. Her grades were of the highest not only in her class but in the whole school. One day Kyubey appeared in front of her and offered her a contract. At first Hekima couldn't decide what wish she wanted to make but after some minutes she wished to use the gift of knowledge to make the world a better and more beautiful place . As a magical girl she watches the movements of her rivals carefully at first and after finding their weak point she attacks them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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