who what where how?

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Midoriya was now infront of all the 1-A boys and all the couples pretty much gave each other the look like they would be ok with a threesome

But kirishima, bakugou, and todoroki where all frozen in place literally todoroki accidentally froze them to the couch deku the started to see the looks they gave him

To him it looked like bad looks [A/N my poor soft bean l love you] he looked at the girls with a upsetting look on his face

"Mabey it's time for me to change back"

Mina then sighed " One full thing of lip gloss and this is the thanks I get wow"

Todoroki then look at kirishima and bakugou with a glare and unfrozen them then said deeply "HE. IS. MINE"

Sero in the back with his tea cup quietly "and the show has begone lady's grab your popcorn"

Denki "hell yeah"

Todoroki ran after midoriya CALLING out his name

Then after ran kirishima and bakugou

Midoriya pause as he heard his name
"Yes" he asked nervously

Todoroki out of breath not understanding how such a small person could walk that fast
"Please go to the dance with me"
[A/N Dont under estimate the smol but mighty]

But after came bakugou and kirishima asking the same

Bakugou then yelled " HE IS FUCKING MINE ICYHOT"

Kirishima then saying "bro you should not just calm someone guys dont like that right midoribro"

Todoroki and bakugou then said in sync

"Wait why cant we just all go together"
Izuku tried saying

All of them then shrugged and stayed "okay see you at 8:00 on Saturday"

And walked away midoriya wasnt won for swearing but "What the fuck just happened"

Then he heard a child's voice from behind "fuck"

He turned around and it was eri ofcourse it was eri

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