~Chapter 6~

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Funny how I promised not to upload the next chapter in 2021, haha. Anyways, sorry again. Happy new year by the way. Thank you for your comments on the last chapter I appreciate it :>


This chapter contains descriptions that some readers may find disturbing. Read at your own risk.

TW: Suicide and Heavy gore


When a sudden shadow passed, Yukio was sitting in his room doing his work. At first, it was strange but then his eyes had gotten wide-open when he heard human screams.

Screams of pain were heard, Yukio without hesitation run toward the entrance of the dorms only to see Rin on the ground but...

The picture was harrowing. Rin was on the floor SCREAMING full of pain. His legs were in the wrong direction, his hand was so badly injured that you could see his bone coming out and his head was facing left. His eyes were wide open and his mouth from screaming and coughing blood at the same time. His hand had major bleeding and his legs had multiple wounds. The whole picture was something that Yukio couldn't take.

Traumatized for life, that's what Yukio was. He didn't know what to think or say, not that he could say much after that. 

Yukio was frozen there looking at Rin's body not wanting to believe what he was witnessing. But he knew he had to call for help otherwise Rin would die for sure. With tears falling down his cheeks he pulled out his phone with the remaining strength left in his body. He tried to type the right number to call an ambulance since his vision had gotten blurry from the tears and his screen wet. 

''Hello, what is your emergency? '' the speaker said politely '' Uh- UM m-my brother is on the ground he-he's bleeding a, a lot a-and we need help right away!'' Yukio tried to say '' Help is on the way please try and give us a more precise description'' they asked '' S-sorry, uh my brother must've fallen from the r-roof I presume. It looks like multiple bones have been broken, please hurry, he is bleeding extensively, we're at the entrance of the old dorms! '' he tried to be calm and take deep breathes but he just couldn't '' Sir, I know this might be shocking and terrifying but please keep your phone on the line- sir? sir...? '' Yukio dropped his phone on the ground and fell on his knees as he looked at his brother's injured body.

After 2-3 minutes, the ambulance reached the scene and the paramedics put Rin on the bed with Yukio on the seat of the ambulance heading to the hospital. They had successfully gotten to the hospital and Rin's state was horrible. Yukio was sitting in the emergency room waiting for the doctors to bring the news.

Yukio's POV:

Has Rin...? But why would he...? Yukio stared at the floor, still shocked by what he had witnessed. The blood, the bruises, the broken bones and the cries for help along with the screams. He felt sick, this... this was awful. But I don't understand why would he do this? I mean... no. I do, after what happened with the camp. I didn't even ask if everything was okay! I just looked at him with anger just like the others... Not only that, I even noticed his strange behaviour. There were times when he came into the room with puffy-red eyes and I didn't even say anything! Yukio at this point had a few tears of regret in his eyes. He knew this was his mistake, he had to make things better.

[ Third POV and time skip ]

After a few hours, Yukio was half-sleeping in a sitting position waiting. A doctor got out of the big doors approaching him. '' Mr Okumura?'' the doctor asked '' y-Yes that's me '' '' After a few hours of the complicated procedure the surgery was successful. But um... he originally should have died... '' Yukio froze and stared at him with his wide-open eyes both from happiness and surprise about what he said '' I am not trying to offend you, of course, it's just that... without his demonic healing, he would have been dead right on the spot. He should consider himself lucky to have that extensive healing power. '' Rin was lucky indeed, that's why Yukio had high hopes that he'd live '' Can I see him now? '' he asked '' Well yes, but he's asleep at the moment. Thanks to his demonic healing powers he won't take long to recover and he'll be discharged soon. He is currently on the second floor for suicide watch, room 39.'' Yukio without any other hesitation stood up and went to see him.

He finally got to his room. He opened the door with hesitation and... what he saw was awful. Rin was lying on the bed with bandages on his hands and deep dark-blue bruises. Most of his wounds were healed with his demon healing so It wasn't as bad as before. The thing that made it awful though were the monitor beeping every 2 seconds and the oxygen mask. Hearing someone you know and love struggle to breathe was just heartbreaking. The oxygen going on and on giving Rin breaths, the sound... He will never forget. Yukio grabbed a chair from the room and sat beside Rin playing with the hair on his forehead. '' Oh, Rin... you went through so much... ''

'' I wonder what he's thinking right now ''


Thank u for reading! Sorry, it's a bit short!

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