The girl in the blue outfit

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I do not own twilight Stephanie Meyer does, I'm just making a fan fiction because I'm a big fan. Also this story has French in it but it will be translated in parentheses next to it, or one of the other characters will say it in English. Well Enjoy!

Carlisle pov

Blood, it's what my family and I live on to survive, but only animal blood because we do not want to be the monsters humans portray us as. I have lived over three hundred years and I am trying to understand our kind better, more so how we were firstly created.

            I crouched down and stared at my goal, the sent filled my nose as I let my instincts take over and I lunged at the bear. My teeth seeping into the flesh past the fat and into the flowing red river I desperately want and need. When I was done I tossed the carcass aside and stood up straightening my clothes, knowing Alice she will be furious if I ever mess them up. I stared walking back to the direction of the house when I seen a human leg sticking out of the bushes.

            I sniffed the air and realized he or she was still alive; I walked over slowly and removed the bush from view. It was a girl about sixteen or seventeen, dressed in a sky blue wrap that only covered her chest area. A skirt that tied at her hip and heels to finish it off, and she was unresponsive. I lifted her up into my arms and sat her bag in her lap as I headed for home.

            -Edward get the family in the living room please- I thought to my mind reading Son as I reached the river between the forest and our home. I heard them go into the living room as the front door was opened for me by my wife Esme.  Her eyes widened when she seen the girl in my arms.

            "What happened?" she asked as I walking in.

            "I was hunting and found her in the woods" I said as I set her in a chair, the others froze at the sight of her, and I couldn't blame them she was beautiful.  I pulled her bag into my hands and opened it hoping to find some ID.  The only thing in it was a note that said The Cullen family; I opened it and stared to read. "Dear Cullen's, the girl you have is prototype 620 she is a genetically engineered vampire human hybrid. I don't want to deal with her anymore so I am leaving her in your care. Good luck. Sincerely, Nomad." I stopped and looked up into the eyes of my family; they nodded to accepting her into our family.

            A soft moan came from the chair as we turned to see her awake for the first time. She had big chocolate brown eyes that were tinted with fear. She jumped up and lowered into a crouch.

            "It's alright I'm Carlisle and this is my family we are going to help you" I said slowly while holding my hands up.

            "Je ne comprends pas votre langue maternelle, y a-t-il quelqu'un qui parle le français ?"  I stared at her trying to understand what she said.

            "She said I don't understand your native tongue, is there anyone who speaks French" Edward said as she stood next to me.

            "Is that what she thought?" he shook his head no.

            "I know how to speak French" I nodded.

            "Tell her we want to help and my name is Carlisle and ask her what hers is" he nodded and began translating.

"R que nous voulons aider et que son nom est Carlisle, ce qui vous appartient ?" she smiled.

"Je n'en ai" he looked puzzled and turned back to me.

            "She said she doesn't have one" I sat down and crossed my legs, well we can't call her prototype, but what name would suite her for her. Edward asked her to sit down as we all thought to ourselves about what to call her. I looked at her features trying to find something that would click a name.

            "votre très beau et votre envoi est incroyable." (Your very beautiful, and your sent is amazing) Edward said to her, I raised my eyebrow. I'm not fluent in French but I know enough to understand what he said. He looked at me with a smile on his face; I've never seen him act like this before.

            "I know!" Alice squealed as she jumped up and sat down next to her. "Isabella, it's beautiful" Alice said with a smile.

            "Bella" the girl whispered and smiled..........................

What do you think? Where should I go from here? Should I continue? Thank you for reading, add to library, vote, like, become a fan, and anything else you can do here. COMMENT I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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