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michaelbjordan [ Michael B. Jordan ]
liviadams [ Olivia Adams ]

Olivia Adams
okay, here's the deal
ik you two had a fight or something, but you're
coming over for nye and surprising her (maybe even be her
midnight kiss)

Michael B. Jordan
This for for sure not the dm that i
was expecting from you

Olivia Adams
yes bc i have a feeling you saw the e article
and now you know why she has been holding back

Michael B. Jordan
I should have never been that hard on
her. I didn't know about her past, and even if
I did, I was in the wrong to blow up on her
like that.

Olivia Adams
yes, you 100% were!
but now you're gonna make it up to her and meet!!

Michael B. Jordan
So when is this happening? I have been
quarantining for a movie, so I'm all good!

Olivia Adams
you'll come over around 11-11:30 on nye, but
you can't have any communication with her until then

Michael B. Jordan
Liv, I just blew up at her and now
you don't want me to talk to her for
two more days? I don't know if I can do

Olivia Adams
it will make the surprise even better! i promise!

Michael B. Jordan
Fine. I'm in. Just text me your address and
the time I should get there.

Olivia Adams
and istg if you don't kiss her at midnight, you'll
be on my shit list

Michael B. Jordan


New Years Eve was always a day that Jesy absolutely loved. As a child, her parents would dress her up and they would have their own little party (which included snacks, making gingerbread houses, karaoke, watching the ball drop, and so much more). As she got older, it honestly became just a day to dress up, look hot, party, and drink.

New Years this year was a big change for the curly haired girl and she hated it with a passion. Yes, she could still get dressed up and drink, but it wouldn't be the same. As someone who loved people, the quarantine was hitting Jesy the hardest. At least Olivia could go to the recording studio, but Jesy had no excuse to leave the house, so most days she just sat around in her sweats and watched whatever reruns were on the tv.

Of course Olivia had to go to the studio for most of the day, which made Jesy beg to go with her, but was ultimately turned down, so she was all alone. To pass the time, Jesy got dressed up in clothes she hadn't worn in months and tried some new makeup tricks, but both of those things only took two hours, resulting in the time only being five.

As much as the girl wanted to text Michael and talk to him, he hadn't texted her. She knew she should've probably texted him first, but she was stubborn as hell and would never do that. A part of her really wanted to, but the other part was still mad at him for pushing her that hard, especially when he didn't know her past and they barely knew each other.

Right as Jesy plopped onto the couch with a bowl of popcorn she heard the door slam and it was instantly followed with a loud "I'm home".  A voice that could only belong to Olivia Adams, herself. "I postmated us some food, should be here around 11:30."

Jesy nodded as she shoved some popcorn into her mouth as Olivia went into her room to freshen up. "That's literally in five minutes. I wouldn't have made popcorn if I knew you were going to order in." 

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation going on between the two and Liv smirked, knowing that the person delivering their postmates was going to have Jesy on the floor. "I guess I'll get it, since you disappeared into your room. So nice of you to stop by and see me, by the way."

The curly haired girl rolled her eyes as she walked towards the door. After opening it, she froze in place and stared with wide eyes as the man in front of her lifted up the bags on food that were in his hands.

"Did someone order postmates?" And without even thinking, Jesy jumped into his arms, making him set the food down and embrace her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso and when he put he down, the smiles on both their faces were also covered by a blush.

"Hi." She breathed out, regaining her composure. 

"Hi." He said, neither of them breaking eye contact or wiping the smiles off of their faces.

"So are you guys gonna kiss or?" A moment ruining Liv asked as the two turned to her, only to see her phone filming in their direction, making the two shake their heads. They chuckled, ignoring her and giving each other another huge smile as Michael walked inside of their house.

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