Chapter 2

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*Time Skip six years, she's now 15*

I was sitting in the hideout, waiting for dad to get back. He said he had to go out and get something, and I was curious to what it was.

After waiting no more than five more minutes, Shigaraki came back with Kurogiri and some weird creature.

"What the hell is that?" I asked him.

"This is Nomu." He replied. "The creature who will kill the symbol of peace!"

I smiled. "Awesome! You can now kill your greatest enemy! You'll finally be able to rule the world!" I said excitedly.

Shigaraki looked at me. "We plan to attack USJ later today. Based on Kurogiri's information, All Might and two more pro heroes should be there along with the students from class 1-A. Yuriko, why don't you come with us and take out a few kids your age?"

My eyes widened. "You want me to come with you on a mission?! Hell yeah!"

"Alright, we'll head out in a few hours, so be ready by then." Kurogiri told me.

I nodded as I headed into my room and began looking for my villain outfit. I had never used the outfit in battle, but it was a pretty cool costume if I do say so myself.

 I had never used the outfit in battle, but it was a pretty cool costume if I do say so myself

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(Minus the sword and the skirt has shorts underneath. Eyepatch is for show.)

So, after I ate some katsudon and got changed, we were off to USJ.

Kurogiri teleported both me and Shigaraki there. Shigaraki stepped out first, and I stepped out next to him.

I saw Eraserhead and Thirteen protecting the students as more villains exited the portal. Shigaraki ordered the villains to attack while Kurogiri went towards the students. Eraserhead and Thirteen lept into action protecting the students while Shigaraki was looking for All Might.

"He was supposed to be here. Where is he?!" He asked angrily.

"Don't worry! With all the chaos that's happening, he'll be here within seconds!" I said. Shigaraki looked at me and said, "Take out the students."

"Yes Shigaraki." I said as I ran up towards the students.

The first kid I saw was a girl with brown hair. She was wearing pink and looked scared.

"C'mon out guys. I promise not to hurt you." I said, smiling deviously.

Suddenly, over by the water zone, there was a big crash. I looked over and found three students climbing out of the water, looking at Shigaraki.

I quickly ran towards them. When I stopped, one of the children, who looked VERY stupid if I may add, looked at me with stars in his eyes.

"Woah! Looks like some of the villains here are sexy! Maybe I could-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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