Chapter 1

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Hii! :)

So, who’s ready for some updates?

Well, let’s start, huh?



Louis’ POV


“Wake up! Harry wants you at the breakfast table!” I hear someone shout and knock on door.

I get up and go to the door, swaying it open, seeing a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. I haven’t seen him before.

The guy looks at me and blushes when he realizes that I’m naked. What? I’m not gonna sleep in a jeans!

“What?” I snap.

The guy looks surprised, before giving me a small smile, and I immediately like him a little more. “Harry wants you to come eat.”

My eyes darken when he mentions him, the guy who got me into this. I immediately shake my head “ I don’t want to see him.”

Liam smiles sympathetically, “look, I know you don’t like him. I get that, but you’re not gonna be alone with him now, Niall, Zayn, Perrie and  I are in the room.”

After a minute, I sigh “okay, just give me a minute.” And dress myself (not as quickly as usual).

As me and the guy walk –that still don’t know the name of- I try to make a quick conversation.

“So… you still haven’t told me your  name?” I say

“Oh, yeah, I’m Liam, Niall’s boyfriend.” He smiles at the last part. Wow, they must really like each other.

“How long do you know each other?” I ask, wanting more information.

“4 years.”

“And how long are you two dating?”

“3 years.”

Aw, cute.

“why am I here?” I ask trying to get more out of him.

“Well, Niall already told you, didn’t he? Harry wants you.” Liam answers and opens a door.

Inside the room, I see a huge table. On the head sits Harry, on his right side the black haired guy form the previous day, next to him a girl with purple hair, on his left side sits no one but next to that chair sits Niall. And there’s one chair left on the other head of the table. Right over Harry’s. fuck.

“Louis, hello. Take a seat, my love.” I cringe slightly when Harry says this and gestures to the chair on the other head.

“No, thanks.” I sassily.

I watch his eyes darken and I see Niall nod slightly and I feel Liam push me forward. “Come on, Louis. Just do what he says, you don’t want him mad.”

I sigh and roll my eyes, going to my chair. Feeling Harry’s eyes follow my every movement.

“So, you already met Niall and Liam, this is Zayn and his girlfriend, Perrie.” He gestures to the black haired guy and girl.

I just nod and smile a little and look at my plate, ignoring Harry.

I really want to know what he wants from me, I mean there has to be a reason why he suddenly does this, isn’t there?

How come they live in such big house? Do they have such good jobs? I really want to know more about them.

Could they be a gang? Maybe drug dealers? I don’t know but i-

“Louis!” I hear Harry’s voice shout and look up to see that the others are gone and it’s just me and him. Oh shit.

“what?” I ask.

He glares at me, standing  up and slowly walking to my side. Oh no. I quickly stand up and back up.

He raises an eyebrow and steps closer, me backing up until I hit the wall. Fuck.

Harry smirks, which is kinda sexy and makes me wanna bite the smirk off- wait what the fuck am I thinking?! No. bad, louis. You can’t think like that.

Clearly knowing that I’m distracted and not thinking about it is going on, Harry takes advantage of it and has me trapped before I could even think about it.

I inhale sharply when he starts trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbones, his left hand trailing to my thigh.  

I gasp as he grabs my ass and squeezes, opening my eyes –who I didn’t even realise were closed- and push him off.

“Don’t try that again. I’m not gay, I have a girlfriend and I certainly don’t like you.” I spit and he narrows his eyes before he chuckles.

“Really? You sure you’re not gay? ‘cause it sure looked like you were enjoying that. And besides, forget about that bitch of girlfriend, from now on your single.” He winks.

“Fuck you.” I snap and cross my arms across my chest.

“Gladly.” He says and I roll my eyes.

“Harry? We have a problem.” Zayn comes in the room, a serious expression on his face.

Harry faces turns hard and he nods and turns to me, “Niall is going to take you to your room.” And walks away with Zayn and Niall walks in. 

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