Chapter 2: First Fight-ish, But Not Really

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Byun Baekhyun was in the library with his nose on a pile of paper works, mostly school projects and assignments, when he noticed his cellphone vibrating. He picked it up to see who was texting him and was shocked to see not only one but a couple of notifications on the screen. A couple would mean: 20 unanswered text messages and 20 missed calls all coming from one single unknown phone number. Had I really been this engrossed to studying? Baek thought to himself. He noticed that the time of the first missed call and text messages were sent an hour and a half ago.

Curious to know who was insistently calling him and texting him, he went out of the library and dialed on the number. After the third ring, the owner finally answered and to Baekhyun's opinion, the voice sounded familiar...and really annoyed.

"About time you picked up your phone. I've been calling and texting you for a couple of hours now. Seriously Baek, where are you?"

"Park Chanyeol?!" Baekhyun replied, surprised to know that it was Chanyeol who owned the number. "Why were you waiting for me? I'm in the library right now doing schoolwork. Is something wrong? Is it about Chowa? Baekhyun asked. Worried now that something might have happened to Chowa that's why Chanyeol was looking for him.

"Wha- No. That's not the reason why I was looking for you. Hold on, I'm on my way to the library. Wait for me and we'll talk when I get there." Chanyeol ended the call. Baekhyun stared at his phone, curious to know why Chanyeol was looking for him and more curious as to why he'd sounded so annoyed. He'll find out in a couple of minutes anyway, so Baek went inside the library again to get his things.

When Baekhyun went out of the library, Chanyeol was already there- looking as handsome as ever (again, not that Baek would admit this) except he had a frown on his face and a distinct knot on his forehead- typical annoyed look.

"Where have you been?!I went to look for you everywhere. I called your phone but you weren't answering. I texted you, still, I got no answer. You weren't with Chowa. I should've known you'd be here all this time. I waited for almost two hours now Baek, the least you could've done was answer my calls and texts" Chanyeol took Baek's books and offered to bring his bag too to which Baekhyun declined.

"I was working on some project I needed to pass tomorrow. Why were you looking for me? And why d'you sound so upset? I didn't know we had plans to meet up after school. I'm sorry about not being able to answer my phone, yeah, that was rude but as for the rest of it, I don't really see the reason why you'd be so upset."

"I was looking for you because I forgot to tell you I'd drive you home. I was expecting you'd be at the lobby after class waiting for me but then you weren't. You should know, I never waited for my girlfriends before Baek or for anyone for that matter. Usually, they're the ones who waited for me." Chanyeol was obviously flustered by the fact that his new "pretend" boyfriend not only ignored his calls but made him wait for hours only to find out that Baekhyun had no idea he was waiting for him.

"Hold on just a sec, you're telling me that what got you so upset was that I didn't wait for you so you could take me home?!" Baekhyun was irritated now, voice raised a little loud, because he's sort of being accused for a fault which, in his opinion, wasn't really his. "I never asked you to wait for me, Yeol. You should know too that I'm not like your past relationships who'd be willing to bend to your will and be at your beck and call. And besides, this isn't a real relationship right? so let's just limit the boyfriend responsibilities to when we have company only. It's just the two of us here so let's not pretend anymore ok."

"No, it's not Ok. Listen to me Byun Baekhyun, everyone here THINKS you are my boyfriend and that's what we'll continue to let them think. I don't want to risk being discovered or all this plan would be for nothing. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that you agreed to help me, really, I am, but if all it takes for this plan to work is for us to act like we really love each other, then we should do just that. That means, you should start getting used to having a boyfriend Byun Baekhyun cause I'm not going anywhere."

Because the two were so preoccupied, nobody seemed to notice that they have actually drewn  closer to each other that Park Chanyeol is standing so close to Baekhyun that their nose almost touched. When they finally did, it was Baekhyun who noticed first.

Being this close a proximity to Chanyeol, he couldn't help but notice how kissable Yeol's lips are. He was lost in a fantasy, another time and place, where he and yeol are looking at each other with love in their eyes and yeol was about to kiss him...

Snap out if it! Baek thought. He gave himself a mental shake on the head plus a scolding: what were you thinking Baek?! You and Chanyeol in love?! Park Chanyeol the playboy, the kind of guy you sworn yourself off?! And you fantasized about kissing him? Seriously?!

Chanyeol looked lost in a thought too because he also had to give his head a mental shake so he'd remember why they were there in the first place.

The closeness was disturbing Baek's peace of mind and so he took a step back, away from Chanyeol.

Chanyeol didn't allow him to get far enough, he grabbed Baek's hand and interlocked them together- Baek's fingers in between his..

"Look I'm sorry I got angry at you. It was uncalled for. I shouldn't have compared you to my past relationships too. Will you forgive me?" Chanyeol was the first one to speak.

Baekhyun was so distracted with having Yeol hold his hand that all he managed was a nod.

"Let's get you home then?" Chanyeol gave him that irresistible smile again and Baekhyun felt butterflies in his stomach and thought: I really have to train myself to be immuned to that smile or I'm done for. And his heart beat like he ran for miles...

With Baekhyun's hand still interlocked with his, Chanyeol lead Baekhyun to where he parked his car and took Baekhyun home.

------------------End of Chapter 2----------------

A/N: yeay! An update at last!! ;) I'm sorry it took me forever guys. I got super busy with stuffs lately and I thought about not finishing this at all but then I read your comments and I thought: I couldn't let you guys down. You inspire me, really. Will you forgive me? I hope you'll like this one. Love you all. :*

P.S. ChanBaek forever. XOXO

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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Pretend Boyfriend[A ChanBaek Fic]-> this title til i think of a better one ^_^vWhere stories live. Discover now