Chapter 12

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Leah POV

Today hasn't been the greatest day.

I slept through my alarm this morning which made me late for work, which I absolutely hate being. I hate having to rush to get dressed because I seem to never be able to do things right when I'm in a rush. I kept dropping everything and tripping over pieces of clothes which only irritated me more. Once I finally got to work, Sage of course teases me for being late as I rushed to clock in.

Thankfully, I'm rarely ever late to work so I doubt it's something I have to worry about with my boss. Both Sage and Finn are with me at work today which is always nice. It always gives me someone to talk to and bug when it gets boring and slow. I always regret saying I enjoy it though whenever they gang up on me and make fun of me. Deep down though, I always enjoy being around them. They're the best part of working here.

I remember me and Sage would always come to this cafe when we were teenagers and we wanted to start making money. Thankfully, since we came so often, we became friends with the manager and he let us work here when we were about sixteen. I saved up most of money and by the time I was eighteen, I was able to move into the apartment I have now. My grandmother has been a lot of help when it came to the money struggles in the beginning. I couldn't have done it without her.

When everything started going downhill for me, I knew I still had to come to work. That was probably the one thing I maintained. I was supposed to go into college when I turned eighteen and work towards getting a better job but everything in my life just kind of fell apart when I turned eighteen. I went completely off the deep end and I stayed that way till I was probably twenty two.

I was careless and reckless. I didn't really care about anything but myself. And when I could actually legally drink, things got much worse and I didn't even think that was possible at the time. I truthfully don't really know how I got myself out of that hole I was in. Sage was probably the main reason but I didn't listen to her for the longest time. I think I just eventually got burnt out and needed to get my shit together and I'm glad I did.

I'm surprised Sage put up with me for as long as she did and so I'm glad I didn't push it any further. The last thing I would of wanted was to lose Sage even though I don't think I could of ever lost her. I'm pretty stuck with her I think. Just as Sage pops into my mind, I see her start walking over to my table where I'm eating my salad. "So I need your advice on something." she blurts out as she pulls out the chair in front of me, sitting down in it.

"I'm listening." I reply casually as I take a large bite out of my salad.

"So Zoe and I were wanting to go on a little adventure this weekend and do something fun for a day. I don't know whether we should go sight seeing or go to the beach or where we should go. Do you have any ideas? You must have a secret spot you sneak off to." she questions me softly.

I chew my food slowly as I think over her last words. I do have a secret spot. Mine and Harry's. It's a place that brings me immense sadness yet joy at the same time. I swallow hard as I look up at her. "I uh- I don't actually. I kind of just go off by the beach. I would say why limit it to one thing? Go on a little road trip and visit cool places around here and then go to the beach. You don't have to pick just one." I answer her.

Sage chews on the inside of her cheek in thought as she slowly nods her head at me. "That's very true. I might just do that." he shrugs her shoulders. "Do you have plans for the weekend? Or even for today after you get off of work?" she asks. I then shake my head side to side at her in response. "What a boring life you live." she murmurs as she stands up from her chair.

I send her a forced smile as I stick my middle finger up at her. I see the corner of her lip turn up into a small smirk as she walks away from me. I let out a small sigh as I look down at my bowl of nearly finished salad. I then check my watch, seeing I have less than five minutes until my lunch is over. I quickly finish it off before I get up out of my chair, throwing the plastic container away.

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