Starlight One slowly emerged from the dark side of the moon, the sunlight devouring the body of the ship as it gracefully moved towards the satellite known as Galaxy One.
Captain West was standing by an observation window, as tall as it was wide, he stared out at the vast planet below, the swirling clouds, the oceans beneath them and the different contours of each piece of land. It reminded him of home, of Earth, yes it had its issues mainly caused by humanity and their needs but it was still home. Still a wonder to see.
Standing next to him was Safron, she was of equal height to him, she stared without emotion at the view. "The planet below has equal oxygen count as Earth, therefor Earth is not as unique as originally thought."
"Really." The Captain replied smiling.
"When will we rendezvous with Galaxy One?"
"Within the hour, a handful of experienced personnel will cross over and then prepare for the shuttle down to the planet." He looked at her, the attention to detail was remarkable, he looked away realising he was staring at her.
"Detail is key to acceptance, that is what this design represents..." the Data Gatherer turned to face the Captain. "...a more acceptable face was designed due to the previous quality issues..." She blinked slowly as if gathering more data. "...they had to soften the textures and make us more human in looks."
The Captain added. "Also in speech, remarkable how less android you sound." He winced at his words, not the best descriptive, he thought, but they would have to do.
Safron turned back to the observation window. "Yes, in speech as well, with an upgrade in rapid learning abilities to allow for more reliable instant reactions that are more emotion based." She gave a quick, tight smile.
"I see." The Captain was having a conversation with a human form computer covered in artificial skin, he had to hand it to the technicians of the company that made her, she was more lifelike than any other of her type he had ever seen.
"Do you find me attractive Captain?"
He early chocked on his own saliva, "what?"
She continued to stare out the window watching the clouds do their merry dance swirling and massing together then parting within the confines of the atmosphere. "You stare at me."
"I am sorry Safron, your creators are remarkable with their craft, that was all I was admiring, I mean you are..."
"I am artificial yes but I do have programming for pleasure purposes and my data collection can be set to a private setting for such intimacy through accessing my attributes."
He didn't know where to look, what to say, he didn't know if he should be shocked, disgusted or both. "I assure you I have no such intentions."
"Such design is included due to the growing market of such requirements." Safron said without emotion. "Part of my programme includes such additions, especially with the length of travel required for this type of mission it was deemed necessary."
"Well as the Captain of this ship you do not under any circumstances inform any other member of this team your additional programming, is that clear/" the thought of such information getting out on board the ship, even to the few crew he had, made him apprehensive. Humans being inquisitive as they are, one of them, if not more, would no doubt want to try the programme out because it was there. He did not want any sexual tensions to arise because of an artificial woman opening her legs to every man or woman, or even to open herself to abuse as the sex droids on Earth tended to experience on a far too regular basis.
Science FictionA small team of specialists sent on a mission across the stars to visit a new world where an artefact of unknown origin rests...silent and dormant until it is accident awoken from its slumber of a thousand lost years, only then the reality of what t...