You Are Too Beatiful - Oslo Ibrahim

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You were wearing your black dress
When I first saw you on Instagram
I could easily fall for you
With those pair of converse on your feet

So I took the change and I did all
The things that probably I've never done
It ain't love but why do I have to
Be worry if you are with someone else

Or I do fall for you
I don't want you to know
Maybe, I fall for you
I don't have the reason yet
To not fall for you

You are too beautiful
And it feels so unreal
You are too beautiful
And I'll always be forever fool
For you

Based on the way you look at me
You are hard to guess and hard to get
I'm not too good but, I'm not too bad
Should I stay or just left you go away
We spent couple midnights for me to hear you
Laugh at my jokes thought it's through the phone
You made me think maybe you fall for me
Too but you're gone when tomorrow comes

Or you do fall for me
And I do wanna know
Maybe you fall for me
Or it's just another midnight thoughts
You won't fall for me

You are too beautiful
And it feels so unreal
You are too beautiful
And I'll always be forever fool

I asked all my friends how to win your heart
They told me that I have to keep it cool
Or maybe I don't have to be with you
With you
With you

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Rio Riezky Yuliandrie / Muhammad Fadel Alfredo

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