Drama-free day

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Summer's P.O.V
Today has been fine, Jonah is not coming home til 7 tonight and it's pretty casual. i just got back from the studio and now I'm hanging out with Joey while waiting for the kids.

Joey:What that's crazy!!

Summer:I know it was awesome!

Joey:You're lucky you get to go to Paris, the boys have been wanting to go overseas but I don't have enough money to travel cuz I'm just a single parent and my payment is not much.

Summer:What do you do?

Joey:I work at Starbucks as a berista, it's the only job I can find, it helped a little.I work extra jobs to support more but that's about it


Joey:The sacrifice was worth it tho cuz the boys are so amazing and I would do anything for them

Summer:Youre an amazing dad Joey

Joey:Thanks Summer, you're an amazing friend

Suddenly my phone went off,I excuse myself and answer it.Its my baby Jo!!


Jonah:Hey beautiful,I'm coming home early today cuz I can't wait any longer

Summer:Aww baby,what about your family

Jonah:They're gonna stay for a while but they're ok with me going home to my baby girls

Summer:*Chuckle* that's good news cuz the girls missed you so much,I missed you

Jonah:I missed you girls too,I'm actually at the airport right now so I'll be there at around 4pm

Summer:Yay! can't wait oh and the girls made some new friends and they're coming over later with their parent so I want you to meet them

Jonah:Of course baby, I would love to

Summer:Great, I'll see you later baby

Jonah:See you later baby girl, love you so much!!!

Summer:*giggle* I love you too you big goofball mwah!

We hang up and I laugh happily. HE'S COMING HOME! i know it's only been a day but I miss him

Summer:Sorry my boyfriend called

Joey:It's fine,you seem so happy.He's coming home?

Summer:Yeah and he agreed to meet you and the boys

Joey:Are you sure? I don't want to be be a burden

Summer:Ofc,you're welcome anytime

Joey:Thank Sum

Summer:No hay problema Joey

We both keep talking until the kids came.We drive to my house and let the kids play at the backyard while me and joel watch them while talking about the most random stuff

Joey:Do you know Joel Pimentel?

Summer:From CNCO?

Joey:Yeah,do you like him with beard or clean face?

Summer:I personally like clean face Joel cuz he look so adorable but joel with beard is pretty hot

Joey:Agree,for some reason I can't grow any facial hair

Summer:Do you want to?

Joey: Sometimes,when I see a cool dude with awesome beard and stache I feel jealous

Summer:*nod* But you look good tho


Brooklyn:Mom can we play the water guns?

Summer:Does the boys have extra clothes?


Summer:Ok you can


Bailey:I'm on team Zak

Zak:*smile* great

Brooklyn:Ofc you are *playfully roll eyes*

Joey:I think they like each other

Summer:I think so too


Summer:Oh my god yes!!

Joey:100% ship

The kids came back with the water guns and start spraying each other.Brooklyn started attacking Bailey so Zak pick her up and put her on his shoulder.Me and Joey just watch them with our jaws hanging...wha-

Joey:You saw that right


Joey: Girl you're already screaming

I decided to record it and post it on my Instagram story cuz I haven't posted any story since like forever.The fans saw it and started asking questions like who are the boys and stuff,I decided to answer them cuz why not

Then after that I decided to make another a boomerang with Joey and post it on my story,me and joey were just scrolling through our phones when they kids sprayed water on us

I act mad and stomped inside when in reality I'm just grabbing two more water guns to pay back,the girls look sad.I sneak back out from the other door and spray them,they scream and start rubbing.I pass Joey the other gun and we spray them


Zak:*laugh* Jacky watch out!

Joey:*laugh* Jacky...*spray Jack*

Jack:Zak help!!!

Summer:Sorry Jack but he's busy right now *spraying Zak*

By now we're totally soaked in water,we were having so much fun.Suddenly the door open and we see Jonah with towels,he shake his head smiling


Jonah:No no girls sto-

Before he could finish the girls hug him causing his shirt to be wet too,I just laughs and join the hug

Jonah:*chuckle* I guess I gotta join you guys then

Joey:Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich...

Jonah:Joey Lockhart,long time no see buddy

They hug and do the bro thing,so they know each other...what a small world.
Jonah saw my confused face so he kids me and hug me

Jonah:Babe he's a friend from college

Summer:ah...since you guys know each other

I grab my water gun and spray them,Jonah wipe away the water from his face and start chasing me around.Then we continue playing,today is a fun day.When the sun drops we all went inside and clean ourselves,Jonah lend Joey his clothes to wear since he doesn't have extra.

After we're all clean we eat dinner which is good by the way,Joey insisted that he cook dinner as thank you and damn I'm not regretting it one bit.He's a really good cook

Summer:Joey you're a chef or something cuz this is fire!

Joey:Thanks girly,I learn it from my abuela.

Summer:classic abuela

Jonah:Thanks again bro

Zak:Bailey that's not right

We all look at the kids and see Zak helping Bailey cutting her food.Aww little gentleman.Brooklyn and Jack was looking at them like 'ew love' which is funny.I don't know why but I ship our kids like they're so similar to each other but off they're still young so dang it

Bailey:But what's the difference? They're knifes too

Zak:They're different ok deal with it

Bailey:*chuckle* you sassy

Zak:*pretend to flip hair* what can I say...

We spent the day watching movies and play games.Yup today's a pretty good day,my baby's home and I have a loyal friend

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