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I open the door of Harry's bedroom and my cute guy directly turns his head, smiling at me widely as i enter the room. Anne decided to go to the cafetaria and i'm thankful for that because i can already feel the tears streaming down my cheeks.

- It wasn't like that i imagined our reunion !

- What do you mean love ?

- Well, i thought you will run towards me and kiss me until you're out of breath and that you will tell me how much you missed me and like me but instead you freaked me out by fainting.

- I'm sorry. I had planned a romantic night just before your accident to tell you how much i love you but then...

- Wait ! You love me ?

- Yes. Yes i do. I love you so much hazz. And, fuck, i'm so sorry. I wanted you to have the most prefect date it can exists and to remember forever the first time i told you i love you but instead you get this and...

- Hey, Louis, stop. This is perfect. It doesn't matter where you tell me you love me. The only important thing is that you love me and that i love you too. It's all we need.

- I love you so much.

- I love you too.

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