• 05 •

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Drrt drrt drrt

The sound of your handphone waiting for your dad to answer the phone. A few seconds later, your dad answered your call.

"Daddy!!" Shouted you and Devan together in a loud enough voice. "Kids, you guys are still as noisy as before. Keep your voices down. I was having dinner with Mr. Kim." You both just nodded.

"How are you dad, are you fine there?" You started asking. "Yes, I'm fine. But, where is my wife? I want to see her."

You chuckled and then called your mom. "Oh hey Lauren. How you doing?" Asked your dad. "I'm fine Noah, how about your job?" Ask your mother back.

"I'm doing well, hey Taehyung look, this is my family that i tell you!" Said your father to his co-worker, Kim Teahyung.

"Hi Noah family! Wow, Y/N you're so beautiful. Devan why are you so cute? And Lauren, nice to meet you." He said dilapidly. His behavior is very strange. You thought.

You and your mom just nodded at his words, and Devan laughed at Mr. Kim. "Alright, take care of yourselves okay? I'll hang up the call. See you later!" Said your father. "See you daddy!" You both say. Then dad hung up the call.


"Let's have dinner, after dinner you guys can eat the cookies." Said mother. "Okay!" said Devan.

Me and Devan goes to the dining table then we eat peacefully. After that, we eat the cookies.

"Mm, the cookies are so delicious!" Said Devan, eating cookies in a hurry. "Eat the cookies slowly Devan you can get choke." I said while eating my mother's cookies while he just grinned.

After eating a few cookies, I want to go to the room and brush my teeth. "Devan, stop eating the cookies. Brush your teeth and go to sleep now." Said my mother then put the cookies in the refrigerator, stored for tomorrow.

Devan nodded and went to brush his teeth, while my mother went to her room to get ready for bed.

After brushing my teeth, I lay down on my bed and before that I prayed first. Then i sleep.


It's already 6:30 a.m. and you're up and getting ready for school. You resemble your day as usual which is ready to go to school, and eat breakfast first.


"Good morning Y/N, eat your breakfast then go to school." My mother said then I nodded and started eating my scrambled egg.

After finished me and Devan goes out. "Good bye mom." Said me and Devan. My mother nodded and we started going to the bus stop. Then we go to school.

We finally arrived at Devan school. "Study well in school understand?" I asked, still holding his hand. "Of course!" Devan said while heading to his school.

"See you!" I said with a smile, and Devan just turned around and waved, then entered his class. I went straight to where my school is located.

After arriving at school, I went straight to my locker. This school is still not very crowded. Even Emma hasn't come here yet. From afar, it seems that Sunoo has come from the gate and is heading for the locker.

"Good morning Y/N!" Sunoo greeted me while taking things out of his locker. I nodded and replied, "Morning." With a smile on my face.

"Let's go to class together!" Sunoo asked me and didn't forget to give a sweet smile. "Okay." I said, closing the locker.

When we want to go to class, suddenly someone bumps into Sunoo in purpose. Even the drink that the person was holding spilled on his shirt, which made a stain on Sunoo's shirt.

"OMG, I'm really sorry. Come here let me help." Said the girl who hit Sunoo on purpose. The girl wiped his clothes with her hands.

You stupid girl! You want to rub it with your hands hundreds of times and the stain won't disappear! You can see for yourself that the stain has stuck to his shirt! I said to myself while holding back annoyed at the girl behavior.


You seem annoyed to see what that girl did to Sunoo. "Hey you! Who are you? I saw you spilled a drink on him in purpose!" You started approaching her with an annoyed face.

"What the f*ck? Who are you?! You suddenly came just like a ghost. You're my stalker?!" Said the girl, Helena.

"It's disgusting, why am I being your stalker? It's just a waste of my time you know? Anyway, I've been here with Sunoo from earlier. If you don't see, I think you should check your eyes to the doctor." You spit out your stabbing words then you smirk at her.

Helena gaped in disbelief. While Sunoo is fed up with the commotion you guys are doing.

"You two, stop this fight. Helena. You don't need to help me, I'm fine. You can go Helena." Sunoo said to calm the argument.

Helena just nodded then left. "Goodbye Sunoo." She said, giving a flying kiss. How disgusting. You thought. After she left, you immediately helped Sunoo to get up.


"Sunoo what the heck? You're not mad at her? You're really- Uh sunoo why are you being so nice? You know Sunoo, your heart is really like an angel. No wonder they call you an angel." I sighed then smiled resignedly.

"Sunoo, cover your clothes with the jacket you wear, understand?" I asked. While Sunoo just nodded and did what I said.

"Why are you being so angry? It will only make matters more complicated. I know she was on purpose. But for what?" Asked Sunoo cluelessly.

"Of course because she wants to seek attention to you! She wants you to pay attention to her. That's why she did it." I said annoyed.

I put on an angry face. I don't know why I can be this angry at the person who did this to Sunoo, especially when Helena did it.

Instead of getting angry or what, he laughed. "What? What's funny huh?" I said giving a disheveled face. "A-are you jealous? Take it easy, I don't like people like her. She's not my type." He said stifling a laugh.

"I'm not jealous! I just, ah never mind. We better go to class. Still better I'm not angry with you." I said and walked straight to the classroom.

Sunoo just shook his head with a smile and a small laugh then followed my footsteps.


Another nonsense, sorry. And sorry for harsh word. Well, I hope that you guys like it ^^

Okay my dearest reader, thank you for reading this chapter 🥰. Have a nice day y'll 🥺, I love you 😛❣

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