Season 1 Episode 2

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"Hey I'm Millie and I'm the new aquabat!" I say as I pull on my hat and mask

The aqua bats super show !
The aqua bats super show!
The aqua bats super show!
With the M.C bat commander (commander!)
Crash Mclarson (Crash!)
Ricky fitness (Ricky!)
Eagle bones falconhawk (Eagle bones!)
Jimmy the robot (Jimmy!)
And Millie Roberts (Millie!)
Together they fight evil so unbelievable
The Aquabats super show!


"Guys! There's gold!" Crash yelled looking at the glowing pot of flame. "Yes crash it's gold!" The commander responds as if it's really obvious. "Ok guys let's not argue were here to save some kids remember!" I say getting slightly annoyed that the team were getting highly distracted. "Just a minute Millie! We could take some and be rich!" The commander tells me as he dreamingly stares at the pot of gold. I roll my eyes , suddenly me and Jimmy here a scream coming from the back of the cave. "Millie , we can't wait any longer for the others we have to save the children!" Jimmy announced. "Yes , Jimmy I agree let's go save those children." I say as me and Jimmy run off and follow the sound. As we get there we see a giant mouse creature! "Jimmy , you use your finger lasers to distract the creature and I'll run passed and grab the kids!" I tell Jimmy and we agree and get on with the plan. Jimmy shoots red lasers at the monster and I run through its legs. "Come on kids let's get you to safety!" I say as I pick up both the 3 month old and 6 year old and run next to Jimmy. "It won't go down Millie! What should we do!" Jimmy asks me slightly worried. "I don't know!" Just then I remembered I had the power of teleportation and to shoot beams of energy at certain objects. "Hang on take the kids away from here!" I yell as I teleport onto the creatures head and shoot a huge ball of energy into the creatures brain. I get thrown to the ground as the monster screams in pain. "Oww , that's it you've really done it now you evil beast!" I yell as I run as fast as I can and shoot another huge ball of energy onto the monster and it falls down as I tie it into a trap so it cannot escape." I limp over to Jimmy and the kids. "Kids , your safe now but where are your parents?" I ask slightly confused as to why a baby and a well toddler were out in the caves. "Mama and Dada are gone." The little girl simply says with a tear in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." I get down on one knee and hug her. "Come with Millie and I" Jimmy responds with his little robot smile. The main part of Jimmy I know about is that he feels left out as he wants to be a human. I feel as though there's a dark secret about Jimmy that nobody really knows about! Maybe I can open up to him? Me and Jimmy walk out the cave me cradling the baby and Jimmy carrying the toddler. As soon as I saw the other aquabats I could have smacked them. I've been on the team for around a month now and I just realised how freaking lazy some of the team members are. "Jimmy take the baby for a second I need to have a private telling of to the commander!" I say as I pass the now sleeping baby boy to Jimmy. "ARE YOU FREAKING JOKING ME RIGHT NOW! ME AND JIMMY NEARLY GOT KILLED OR SERIOUSLY INJURED! YOU HEARED THAT DAMN SCREAM YET NO COMMON SENSE REALLY DIDN'T HIT YOU DID IT!" I yell at the commander and he just stands there realising how bad he is as a commander. "I'm... I'm sorry Millie I can't believe I .. we left all the work to you and Jimmy." The commander apologies. "Next time think before your actions please sir." I say as I walk of before getting into a new argument. I limp back over to Jimmy as I notice he was acting like a father to the young child. I smile as I walk over. "There's definitely a soft side to you Jim." I say as I stroke the baby's nose. Jimmy just looked at me and smiled "I guess your right Miss Roberts" Jimmy replys not even realising he called me a Miss.

After the weired conversation with Jimmy we all walk back to the battletram and go to our separate rooms. When I get to my room I shut the door and get out the diary that I had been writing even since... It happened. I started to write about the day's events , Jimmy's name came up quite a lot in the paragraphs. I then shut the rose gold coloured book and lay on my bed. My thoughts danced around my head , my parents , Jimmy , the aquabats. Was I in love with Jimmy? I washed that thought away faster than time itself.

After my strange love struck thoughts I decided I would check up on the team robot. I feel as though we have a lot in common but we need to talk to see. I knock on the door with my pale white hand and wait for him to answer. "Hello Miss Millie what can I do for you?" Jimmy asked in his mannered voice. "I just came to see if we can talk I really want to open up about something that I've been through and I think talking to you may help get over what happened a couple years ago." I reply as he lets me inside. I sit down on a metal bench that Jimmy has in his room and started my long , tragic story. "I guess it starts like this." I continued "When I was around 3 years old my father Luke started to abuse me with words like your so ugly or your so god damn useless. By the time is was 6 it became physical , he used to throw things at me and one time when I was in the shower he hit me round the head with a shovel I had to go to the hospital as I had a severe concussion. But when I was 12 my mother died. Melissa was an innocent soul , he grabbed her by the neck in the middle of the night and took her to a abandoned house and raped her then stabbed her in the chest and left her in the cold to perish. I ran away in fear of him doing it to me. I saw him earlier when we all were forced to go to that fun house place with crash. It just brought back huge flashbacks." I finished my tragic life story and started to cry. Jimmy took me in his arms and hugged me as I sobbed my heart out.
"Omg Millie you went though all of that. I'm so sorry , I guess as we're sharing stories I suppose I'll share mine with you." Jimmy stated I sat there and listened to the robot's life story. "First of all I was a normal guy until I got into a huge car accident and I lost 50% of my body. I had to have robot arms , legs , half of my face and back put on or I would have died. My mother Martha was always afraid for me , she would lock me away from the world in fear of me being physically or emotionally hurt." Jimmy finished. "You know what Jimmy earlier I pretty much knew that you were a human and not a robot , as most robot's don't have emotions and wouldn't become overprotective over a baby. I saw the way you looked at Finley and Evie , you loved them as your own." I said honestly. "Well thanks Millie , anyways you said your a grade in combined science?" Jimmy asked me "Yes I am in Physics and biology , why'd you ask?" I respond in confusion. "well , I have this physics place for somebody as I can't do physics and because you have a degree in it you can have it. We can work together to make cures and potions to get rid of the monsters!" Jimmy said with a smile. "Okay!" I hug Jimmy as I say this. And then day turns to night and we all fall asleep and Jimmy recharges.

The Aquabats - Season 1 - Jimmy finds love Where stories live. Discover now