Chapter 5

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A/N: A huge shoutout to @Nala_13 and @Chloeisacoolkid, for being the first to vote on this story! Thank you. 😊
Enjoy this chapter! I'm gonna focus on a bit of Hamliza, because I love that ship as well. Even though this is a Jeggy story, I am focusing on other people that are not John and Peg.

Eliza POV:
Alex was beet red. So was I. Everybody here shipped us, and I admit that I do to. I have a crush on him, I fell hard. He does not like me. I know that. He was just embarrassed that everybody was making fun of us.

I wanted to ask him out. But, I have an undying fear of rejection. Also, us being the only single people left, I don't want anymore spotlight shone onto me. Peggy and John had won our cuteness award, and Thomas and Angie won "most likely to be an old married couple". Maria was avoiding James like we avoided the virus.

I was the only one who knew why she avoided him so much. He abused her. I assume that others had that suspicion, but I was the only one she had confirmed it for.

Eliza POV:
Maria was quietly sobbing into her hands. She was out in the hallway, and bruise covering half her face, and blood streaming down from a cut in her arm. I was walking down that deserted hallway when I saw her.

I immediately ran to her, and sat down. I took out my handkerchief and water bottle, I splashed some water on the cut on her arm, and dabbed at it gently. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she was abused by James, and he forced her to be his girlfriend. He mentally, emotionally and Physically abused her, until she could not take it.

She told me she had called the police once on him, and he had promised to never touch her again. But he did not keep his promise, And beat her up when she tried to break up with him.

I took her to Alex, John, Laf , Peggy and Herc's dorm. It had more room, and that's where we were hanging out. She decided to avoid James all together, and I decided that that was the best option, because she refused to call the police.
**** ****

(Still) Eliza POV
Now, It was night, and we were trying to decide if us Schuyler sisters (Maria was now a part-time official Schuyler Sister), and Thomas are going to sleep over. The sleeping arrangements would be tight. We eventually decided that we wanted to have a sleepover. But that idea would take some work.

Laf and Herc shared a bed. Angie and Thomas stayed in Herc's bed. John and Peggy shared John's bed, which made Angie go all "protective older sister" on John. Maria called dibs on the couch, so me and Alex somehow ended up sharing a bed.

For the record, Me and Alex were NOT on board with this idea, and protested until midnight. We eventually got tired, and just agreed. We lied down on opposite sides of the bed, and I fell asleep.

"Eliza." Alex whispered. He woke me up. "What? I said tiredly. "I like you." He said. My heart did a backflip. "How so?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. Probably just as a friend. "More than I have ever liked anyone in my life." I looked at him, smiling. "I like you to." I said. He leaned over and hugged me. I hugged him back. He then rolled over and went to sleep. He was SO cute.

I heard a small moan come from across the room. Peggy and John were in a ferocious make out session. I smirked, knowing that every time me and Alex had a moment, they would be kissing. I got up, and walked to were Angie and Thomas were. They were Still sleeping. Good. Because if Angie knew about Peggy and John, she would go insane.

A/N: Hello everybody! Sorry this chapter was longer, and that I posted it 16 hours after I posted Chapter 4. Like I said, I am quite impatient. Chapter 3 was a sort of VENT about COVID-19, and I ended it in chapter 4 because I was done with it. Thanks for reading this! Makes my day to get the notification that someone has read, commented or voted.

Thanks guys!

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficWhere stories live. Discover now