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I woke up the next day, which was Monday, with Derrick's arms still around me. I smiled to myself as I watched him sleep. Realizing it was creepier than me staring at him while he was awake, I tried to get out of his arms. Sighing, I realized I couldn't get out of his arms without him awake. I looked over at my clock, 7:12 A.M.

"Derrick, wake up." I said softly.

He didn't wake up, so I started lightly shaking him, still not awake.

"If you don't wake up you're going to regret it." I told him. Still didn't budge.

I sighed and leaned down. My lips met his, but his eyes didn't open, instead he pulled me closer. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled apart and stared at each other, my cheeks turning slightly red.

"U-um, you w-wouldn't wake up." I said, embarrassed.

He nodded and pecked my cheek before disappearing out my window. I stood in shook for a few minutes before starting to get ready. After my shower, I brushed my teeth, did my hair and makeup, then got dressed.

I dressed in black leggings and a blood red shirt with black pumps. My hair was curled and my makeup was the usual. I had a long necklace on and a few bracelets. Once I was satisfied, I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs.

I didn't bother saying goodbye before walking out and getting into my car. Damn, I should've brought a jacket. I started my car before driving to the school. Once I arrived, I took a few deep breaths before getting out and walking to my locker. I grabbed my books and shut my locker, but I didn't get too far before a girl stopped me.

"Hi, I'm Saige, you're Summer, right?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, that's me." I stated.

"Well I'm here to tell you to lay off my Derrick! He's mine."

"Excuse me, bitch? Lay off? Okay bitch, listen up. I'll hang out with whoever the fuck I want. If you're so worried, keep him on a leash. I don't know about you, Hun, but I probably have a shorter leash on him and he's not even my boyfriend. That's sad. He'll just slip through your fingers and just like that he'll be gone. He'll probably even be mine."

"You're going to regret that."

"What's Summer going to regret?" Derrick asked, coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

"Nothing." I snapped almost too quickly, "We were just talking. We're friends, y'know? Bye Saige."

Derrick raised his eyebrows at me and Saige just glared, but I know she would've said the same thing. He can't know his oh-so-precious girlfriend was threatening me.

"Bye Summer, we'll meet up later?" Saige said with a fake smile.

"Of course." I answered, faking a smile also.

I turned around and started walking towards my first class. Once I arrived, I took a seat in the back. Once the bell rang, the teacher began teaching.

After School

After my last class, I started walking as fast as I could towards the door. Saige and I had to keep up the act around Derrick all day. We ended up deciding in the girl's room that we're supposed to have a small fall out and we won't have to be around each other.

Once I reached my car, I opened my door, only to have someone slam it shut again. I looked up to see Derrick. Great, now what does he want? To know how Saige and I met? God, I was getting annoyed with his presence. I never knew he had a girlfriend! For god's sake, I fucking kissed him this morning. And he kissed me back! Unless he thought I was Saige. But he kissed my cheek afterwards!

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