The Question

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"Baby your a firework! Come on show them what your worth! Make them go ah-ah.." sang my alarm clock. I lazily say up from my bed and looked over at the clock. It read 8:05. I got up, turned the alarm clock off, and then slid my fuzzy slippers on. I then headed down the stairs. I turned the corner to the kitchen, and there my mom was already cooking pancakes and eggs for us. "Mom, what are you doing up?" I said with a sleepy smile. "Oh, goodmorning hunny! I'd thought I would make some breakfast for you kiddos." she said happily. "Well that's nice mom. You didn't have to! What time do you have to be at work?" I asked her. "Oh not until around 11." She said. "Mom, you could be sleeping in, silly." I said smiling. I've always had a good relationship with my mom. She has always been there for me. "I got enough sleep, sweetie. Could you go and wake up Katelyn and Jackson, so they can come eat too?" She said. "Yeah mom." I said. I went back up the stairs and turned to go into Jackson's room. I pushed the door open lightly. "Jackson, get up." I said softly. He sat up from his bed. "Fine!" He said sounding tired. "What time did you go to bed last night?!" I asked him. "Eh... around 4 maybe?" he said. "Jackson, what the hell." I said in astonishment. "That's way too late. Anyway, mom wants you downstairs, she made breakfast." I said. "Okay, fine." he said. I then went over to Katelyn's door. I pushed it open. "Kate, get up!" I said. "It's almost 8:15." I said again. "Ugh, fine." She said, sitting up. I went back downstairs, and Kate and Jackson were following right behind me. "Goodmorning kids." Mom said to Kate and Jackson. "Grab a plate." She said again, smiling. We all grabbed a plate and started eating. After I got done, I set my plate in the sink and headed back upstairs to my room. I turned some music on, then started getting ready. I walked into my bathroom, then got out the face wash. I started to wash my face. I then plugged in my straightener, and went to pick out my clothes. I walked into my closet and started looking through the clothes. I picked out black, high waisted shorts, a teal short shelve shirt from Forever 21, and a pair of black, rhinestone sandals from Deb. I got dressed, then headed back to my bathroom. I started straightening my hair. I got out my makeup, and started to apply some consealer. I normally wear some consealer, bronzer, eyeshadow, mascara, and some eyeliner. That was my normal look. I looked over at my iPhone, and it was already 8:40. I had a missed call from Zach, my crush. I was so suprised. I'll just text him, and see what he wants.
Hey Zach. Do you need anything? :)
Hey Kassy, I wanted to see if you wanted to go out on a date with me sometime. :)
Yes, of course!
Okay, I'll pick you up at nine, tonight?
Yes, that will be fine! I'll see you at school Zach. :)
I started to get butterflies in my stomach. I was so happy!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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