The Half Breed in the tree.

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I hope you it this is my first fanfiction. So please comment and vote. I hope you enjoy it please let me know if it needs anywork. Let the story begin.:

Our story starts off on a warm spring day. Kagome is getting ready for preschool. "Kagome, time for school."said Kagome's mom. "Coming mom." yelled Kagome as she ran down the stairs. "Kagome, can you please go feed the cat ? I believe that he's out by the old well." "Alright mom." Kagome headed out to the well.

As she was pouring the cat's food into his bowl she all a suddenly she slipped and fell down into the well. Kagome found a vine and climbed out of the well. "Where am I?" she asked. "You're in japan." said a myserious voice. "Who said that?" asked a shocked Kagome I did said the voice.

Kagome looked up and to her surprise she saw a young boy with dog ears hanging in a tree by his underwear. "What are you doing up there?" asked Kagome. "Oh I'm just hanging around. What do you think I'm doing up here, I'm stuck." yelled down the strange boy. ''Oh let me help you down.'' Kagome climbed up the tree and helped the boy down. ''So what's your name'' asked Kagome.

''Inuyasha , yours?'' answered the strange boy Kagome. So how did you get up there asked Kagome. ''My jerky brother put me up there this morning.'' ''Why?"Kagome asked quite curious. "I don't know he does this every moring.''replied Inuyasha.''So he bullies you?" asked Kagome just to be clear. ''You could say that." answered Inuyasha. "Why don't you tell your mom?"Kagome asked. "I did but she just says that it's his way of showing his love. He's always doing things like this to me."Inuyasha replied looking down at the ground."What' s with the funny ears maybe that's the reason he bullies you?"" No! What are you crazy? I'm a demon." said Inuyasha.

"Don't you mean a half demon?" said another mysterious voice. "What are you doing here Sesshomaru?" asked Inuyasha. "Mom sent me to get you." answered Sesshomaru. "Kagome this is my older brother Sesshomaru."Inuyasha turned around to see that Kagome had left while he was talking to Sesshomaru. So Inuyasha walked home with his older brother. Kagome had decided to look for a village nearby. Kagome soon arrived in a small little village not far from the well.

There she that there was someone there that could help her get back home. Pretty soon a young priestess noticed her. "Are you lost?" asked the priestess. ''Yes"Kagome replied. The priestess toke Kagome to here where she decided to keep until she could find her a way home. So tell child what is your name?asked the priestess. "Kagome" that's a strange name. Now tell me how did you get here?"

Kagome explain to the nice priestess about how she got to this place expecting the priestess to say she had an active imagination but instead the priestess understood and was will to help her. Then all of a suddenly there was a knock at the door and in came a very injured man just returning from battle. The young priestess asked Kagome to sit outside while she tended to the solider's wounds.

Kagome went outside and found a nearby bench to sit on when all of sudden she heard a noise. Her curosity got he better of her and she went to check it out.

Kagome fellowed the sound of the noise only to see a young boy picking on Inuyasha. "What are you doingh here you freak?" asked the boy."I'm just getting some groceries wityth my mom answered Inuyasha. "Didn't I tell you not to show your ugly face around here again?" "Yes well you did but " said Inuyasha as he backed away and then fell on his back. "Now you're going to find out what happens to freaks like you." The boy said with a mishivious grin.

Inuyasha braised for impact as the boy prepared to hit him. Then all of a sudden Sesshomaru jumped out in front of Inuyasha. "No one speaks ill of my little brother except me you got that?" growled Sesshomaru. "Oh Sesshomaru. I didn't know that this was your younger brother."The boy said his voice filled with fear, "I think I here my mom calling me. Coming mom." said the boy as he ran away. Sesshomaru shoot a glance at his younger to make sure he was okay before walking away.

Kagome ran up to check on Inuyasha. "Are you okay? "she asked him. "When did you get here?"Inuyasha asked Kagome who was now standing behind him. "A few minutes ago. So are you okay?" she asked him again. "Yeah I'm fine." he replied. "So you're pretty lucky that your brother came along." said Kagome. "More like he's possive. The only reason he saved me was because he doesn't want anyone else to pick on or bully me. " "So he didn't save you because he cares."Kagome asked clearly confused. "Yup." "Wow. "Kagome replied in shock.

"So what are you doing here?"asked Inuyasha curiously, "you're not following me right?" No I don't know how to get home from here.replied Kagome as she explained to Inuyasha that she had came to the village hoping to find someone to help her get home. "Kagome, Kagome" called the kind priestess that had planned to help her.

"That's the women who said that she help me" said Kagome as her and Inuyasha ran to see what the priestess wanted. "Oh there you are Kagome " said the young priestess, "I've found someone to help you find your way home " Then along came Inuyasha's mom. "Oh hello Kagome, my good friend here told me that you were lost and of how you got here. I see that you've already meet my sons. Since it's getting dark you are welcome to spend the night with us and then I shall escort you back home to your own time."said Inuyasha's mom.

"My own time?"asked Kagome. Inuyasha's mom explained to her that she wasn't from this time and that the well that she came through helped her travel between the two worlds. That night Kagome slept over her new friends house. Then the next morning Inuyasha and his mom helped her get home.

Kagome wanted to help her friend with his brother so she promised to return and assist him and teache him to stand up to Sesshomaru, his older brother. Inuyasha watched his friend go down the well knowing that she would keep her promise and soon return.

Aw that's so sweet let's hope she keeps her promise cause Inuyasha's really gonna need help standing up to his brother. Thanks for reading. I'll be updating soon but as for now please enjoy this chapter.

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