Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I've heard that a courtroom radiates a sense of power. It's where all big decisions are made. Decisions that change people's lives, and not always for the better. Someone might be sent to jail for the rest of their life, being wrongly accused of third degree murder in the exact same spot someone else's abuser is being brought to justice. The walls of a courtroom have been a witness for a thousand different emotions. It has witnessed a thousand different lives change. Now, I have seen every Judge Judy episode to ever grace the screen, but no fancy hammer (mallet) is going to make this enjoyable. You see, about a month ago my Father walked in on my Mother with another man. They were on my Father's recliner. And let me tell you, no one is allowed on that thing. My Father was pretty upset. I don't see why it's such a big deal though, he cheats on her all the time. She knows it too! I guess they eventually had enough and they were sick of the ruse of a perfect marriage, they finally filed for a divorce. At least, they think it was a perfect ruse. I know for a fact that the neighbors can hear their yelling through our apartment's walls. The neighbor to the left of us, Mrs. Parks, has pulled me aside in the hallway and asked me if everything was okay at home at least five times since we moved in. We moved in two months ago.
Anyway, since I am technically not a legal adult yet (one more year), I had to go to court so my parents can basically fight over who has to take care of me in a different setting. It is pretty much my worst nightmare. In any other situation I would be admiring the gleaming wood and important air of the courtroom. This however, is very different. As soon as the judge makes a decision I'm going to have to go live with one parent. That's right, singular. My life will be miserable. When we all lived together they just fought with each other and left me alone. Now, I will get the blunt of their problems taken out on me. I wish that the polished wood floors of the courtroom would swallow me whole where I stand.
My parents are currently sitting on opposite sides of me and throwing eye-daggers at each other. There is a loud noise that I can't quite put my finger on and a door swings open. A decent looking man with brown hair so heavily gelled that it would probably snap if tested and black eyes. His black judge outfit flows behind him as he steps up to the Judge's dais and sits down. I make eye contact with him and as soon as I do, I burst out laughing. He just made my day a hell of a lot better. I take turns looking at each of my parents. They are both looking at me with concern lighting their faces. The one time they actually take notice of me. Go figure. I look back up at the judge. He raises his eyebrows at what I can only guess is amusement sparking in my eyes. You see, the people my parents were cheating on each other with? That was him. My parents were cheating on each other with the same person. That is why their marriage failed so spectacularly, they are much too alike.  The judge's/my parent's lover's name is Alan Lam. The first time I 'met' The Honorable Alan Lam was when I came home from my friends house early. Just an hour early. He was standing in my kitchen half naked wearing my robe while eating a powdered donut. I can't be sure if he was with my Mother or Father that time. I left and wandered the local bookshop for a few hours till I was certain it was safe to come home. Let's just say I threw out that robe. The second time I saw him he was with my Mother. They were barely clothed and watching a movie on the couch. Mother introduced him as Alex Lee. The third time I caught him in my home he was with my Father. They were 'going over work stuff'. They don't work together. That time he was presented as Ardal Lex. Honestly, it was smart of him to give them fake names. When he got bored of them he could just disappear and they would have no way to find him online. I figured out his real name when I saw the engraved pen stating his place of work, full name, and phone number, inside the pocket of my robe.
Both my parents state their case and why they can't take care of me. He listens politely. You see, he is in a tough situation. He can either choose to stick me with my Mother or my Father. Whoever doesn't get stuck with me he will stay with. Let's be honest. Nobody likes the kids of the person they are in an intimate relationship with. If he picks for me to live with my Mother he will most likely end his relationship with her and focus on my Father. The same thing goes if he places me with my Father.
Funny enough, it turns out either my parents did too good a job listing their faults or Lam wants to keep seeing both of them. Lam decides that they are incapable of caring for a child and states that I will be living with my Grandmother in her penthouse apartment.
I see my parents' side eye each other with something that looks like victory shining in their eyes. I'm not sure how I feel about this new arrangement. My Grandmother is the definition of eccentric. She has told me many times of how she made her fortune. She says that she started off with one of those ships inside a bottle and traded her way to a chain of hotels. The bottled ship was traded for an antique lamp, which was traded for a dining room table, which was traded for a piano, ect. It's impressive really. There was an article in the newspaper about it at the time. It's almost unbelievable. In fact, it is unbelievable, but I have spent many days locked up in her house on the unbearably hot summer days that my parents chose to have a 'night on the town', and never have I once seen anything out of the ordinary. The only difference between Gamie and the old lady bagging groceries at the local Walmart is that one is rich. She does have a close friend though. Her name is Ophelia Hawn. I personally think that their relationship consists of more than friendship but when I told Mother that she shushed me and said that it was none of my business.
I'm relieved of my thoughts when a woman in a suit decorated with an array of blue strings hobbles over to me.
"Well hey there Fray, it's been ages since I last lay my gaze upon such a downer like you".

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